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Your Own "Marriage Boot Camp

The best part of the WE reality series, Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars, and its average Jane and Joe version, Marriage Boot Camp, is relationship counselors Jim and Elizabeth Carroll. The duo created Marriage Boot Camp and have been working with couples on the verge of breakup for two decades.

What sets them apart from other relationship counselors on TV is the one-two punch of having warm and sincere-feeling counselors who are also TV-friendly (face it: they’re old enough to feel paternal/maternal but still young enough to be TV attractive).

They’re both stern but soft-spoken, relateable, and genuinely appear able to sense when intervention is good for the individual regardless of what the TV producers might think. This series, for example, takes cast mates for off-air conversations more than almost any other reality show.

Even better? They get celebrities to use sock puppets to talk about their sexual needs (watch Jersey Shore’s JWoww and her boyfriend Roger enact a clam/sausage discussion about needs).

Ever wonder where you can find your own Jim and Elizabeth? Sure you can call your HMO and ask for a mental health professional in your area (and if you need immediate help, please do so). But if you want to have your own boot camp experience that may feature at least a tenth of the series’ jaw-dropping, over-the-top exercises and drills to dig deep and get at the root of your marital issues, then maybe Marriage Boot Camp—the non-televised version— is for you.

Not a reality show, but rather a one-of-a-kind marriage retreat for every day couples, this Boot Camp has apparently saved hundreds of marriages and even helped those in the breakup stage find mutual respect and happiness while going through a divorce.

The Carrolls bill their four-day Boot Camp as a marriage seminar that teaches happily married couples, engaged couples, or those seeking to work proactively on their relationship “more about themselves by participating in our life-revealing games, than years of counseling and therapy. We provide marriage help to break through impossible problems. Our exercises put couples through progressive drills. Each drill builds upon the next, combined to dramatically impact marriages.”

While their success rate may be as phenomenal as they claim, it will come with a hefty price tag. The seminar fee for four days is $1,200 per couple, though partial scholarships and financial assistance are also available. There are Marriage Boot Camp events happening throughout 2015 in Dallas, Houston, and Galveston, Texas; Atlanta, Georgia; and Burbank, California.

If your relationship needs Marriage Boot Camp and you aren't willing to rely on getting cast for the reality TV show (or heaven forbid, you don’t want to televise your troubles) check it out at

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