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Sometimes Bankruptcy Is The Only Way Out

Bankruptcy is an official declaration of financial insolvency in which you could declare that you cannot repay your loans as at the moment and you aren't sure you will be able to repay such loans even in the future. Making bankruptcy declaration is often considered by many as an extreme measure but sometimes, filing for bankruptcy is the only way of getting out of your debt and turn your entire life around financially.

While bankruptcy may be your only option in some financial situations, it is a complicated process that involves the interplay of several chapters of the constitution and it is the professional advice of attorneys Grand Rapids not to undertake bankruptcy process without adequate representation by experienced Grand Rapids bankruptcy attorneys. It is the responsibility of your bankruptcy legal representative to guide you or give you professional help, assist in filing bankruptcy notice, and manage all your paperwork and contacts from your creditors on your behalf till you obtain your official discharge from the burden of accumulated debt. Here are some facts you need to know about filing bankruptcy:-

The need for professional help: The most difficult aspect of filing bankruptcy is your ability to understand the legal provisions as they relate to your particular financial situation and not the court processes. The difficulty involves your ability to relate the different aspect of the applicable federal and state laws to your own case and consider whether or not to file and the best time to file for bankruptcy protection. Being able to answer the complex legal questions correctly according to your particular situation involves the understanding and practice of law which only licensed Grand Rapids bankruptcy attorneys can offer you.

If you are looking to file for bankruptcy, making a mistake in answering the legal questions while filing the notice is not an option you would like to take because of the possible legal consequences thereafter. This is the main reason you will need the services of licensed and experienced bankruptcy attorneys rather than resorting to self-help or hiring someone just because they offer you their services for as low as $200.

Understanding the common types of bankruptcy chapters: While there are many chapters of the bankruptcy laws, the two most popular chapters are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 and here are some useful facts about these two chapters:

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: This is the most popular chapter of the bankruptcy law which most people often make reference to when they talk about filing bankruptcy. You may file for bankruptcy under this chapter if your debt has accumulated so much while your income is too low such that you are not sure you will be able to repay now or in future. When you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy properly, your creditors will receive a matching order to stop any harassment or legal actions against you. Once you have fulfilled all the requirements which includes attending a meeting with all of your creditors with a trustee presiding over the meeting, you will receive a discharge from all your debts except in some cases such as student loans - where applicable, alimony, back taxes and child support.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: This chapter applies only if you are earning a decent income but you have accumulated too much debt. Filing bankruptcy under this chapter actually involves reorganizing your debt rather than writing it off outright though there are obligations you must satisfy. While making repayment of your loan, you will be able to keep your property because your creditors will not be able to get paid except through the bankruptcy court.

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