Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Matters of Adjustment - Work-Life Balance and Value For Living

Living life is a bit of an art wouldn't you say? There are ways of doing things which are in the main rewarded, and there are things we might do that are punished; as a result we learn slowly how to live life in whatever "context" we've been placed -- that is within our familiar family, school, work etc (i.
our social) environment.
It can take many years of living (around people) to finally decide that life is best lived a certain way.
Balance and value for living must be almost the pinnacle of life.
Don't they go together so much to ensure happiness? When we have a balanced life we have better perspective and when we achieve value for living we rest content, figuratively speaking.
Adjustment is a key to making relationships work.
When our relationships work then it affords more peace, balance, and value for living.
Adjustment is making the gap that exists between personality and preference differences smaller -- it's reducing that gap.
And we are the adjusters; not the other party.
This is the theory toward balance and value for living I want to discuss.
Adjustment takes resilience.
Resilience is developed; it's acquired over years of practice.
To become effective and consistent adjusters we have to practice and therefore we need opportunity to practice these skills.
So we don't complain when there are opportunities for us to adjust.
We are instead thankful that they come and we can practice adjusting.
This principle of adjustment works, and best of all it can even work in situations where there are more than two parties to please.
It all comes down to me.
If I can adjust for one party, I can also adjust for another; it suddenly means I might only be able to adjust a little for each, but the fact is I've adjusted and done something to promote peace and better outcomes.
Of course, it is important to know also when it is inappropriate to adjust.
When I have to adjust I just smile.
I smile because I'm capable of adjusting.
It gives me enormous satisfaction that I can overcome seemingly confounding obstacles -- but it's only with my faith in God that I'm able to do it.
I pray a lot.
That means I ask for help -- a lot.
I understand I can't do it all on my own.
So when I do adjust and have a heart and mind that is not phased with the requirement to adjust, I can thank God for his peace in settling the matter in question within me.
If you can learn to adjust, or as the US Marines say, "IMPROVISE, ADAPT, OVERCOME," then you too can potentially conquer any mental, emotional, and spiritual battle ahead of you.
You can augment every one of your close and not-so-close relationships.
You can gain trust and respect from others from your integrity and for the overall relational results in your life based solely on your willingness and capacity to adjust to others.
Adjusting to others ultimately makes us happier than expecting others to adjust to us.
Selflessness in the key to happiness and joy.
Selfishness will drive happiness and joy away.
Copyright © 2008, Steven John Wickham.
All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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