Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Easy Chicken Tractor Designs - Can You Spare 2 Hours on a Weekend?

Can you spare 2 hours on your weekend? If you can then you are already well set to make a chicken tractor in your backyard.
Most people end up buying readymade chicken tractors which often cost well north of 500 dollars simply because they do not know that making a chicken tractor is neither that difficult nor that expensive.
Most of these ready-made chicken tractors require assembly anyways hence the people are just paying a lot of money just for the materials that maybe available locally more cheap.
Speaking of materials, chicken tractors are the least material intensive constructions there are! All that is required is some lumber and chicken wire and you are basically set to make your tractor.
You will require some carpentry tools but those should be very easily available in your local hardware store.
Making the tractor will require a good set of chicken tractor designs which you can use to plan out your tractor in advance.
A chicken tractor is called so because of its unique floorless arrangement which allows the chicken to reach the ground.
While in the backyard the chicken spend a lot of time looking for weeds and pests which they feed on.
Using a chicken tractor you can contain their behavior to a small patch of your backyard, after they have "worked" on that patch of ground you can move the tractor to another part of your backyard and let your chicken do their magic.
Any person with a decent size backyard will appreciate this as it can save them hours of work required for cleaning up the weed and pests not to mention the nitrogen rich fertilizer the chicken droppings.

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