Business & Finance Finance

North Carolina Announces Insurance Risk Pool

Inclusive Health is North Carolina's Health Insurance Risk Pool (NCHIRP). It provides affordable, individual health insurance coverage for North Carolinians who do not have access to an employer health plan and face higher premiums due to a pre-existing medical condition.

Similar to most traditional employer-sponsored and individual health plans, this plan covers a broad range of services, including preventive care, outpatient services, urgent care, a prescription drug benefit and other common health care services.

It offers several plan options from which to choose. Chose the plan that best meets your individual medical and financial needs.

Premiums for the plans vary based on gender, age and whether you are a smoker or not. You have the choice of Plan A, B or C.

Beginning January 1st 2009, you will be able to get coverage on INCLUSIVE HEALTH. (Actually, you can apply now, so that your coverage will be effective on January 1st.) The rates are reasonable, but not everyone is eligible.

Coverage Waiting Period:

The plans offered by the state of NC include a waiting period on coverage for pre-existing conditions. The length of the waiting period is six (6) months for all policies that go into effect between January 1 and June 1, 2009. Policies that go into effect on or after July 1, 2009 will be subject to a 12-month waiting period.

Who can Join?

You can qualify for coverage from the state if you:
(a) are a North Carolina resident and a legal resident of the United States;

(b) do not have access to group coverage as an employee or as a dependent of an employee;

(c) do not qualify for any government program such as Medicare, Medicaid or SCHIP; an meet one of the following

If you

* Have been rejected or refused by an insurer for similar coverage for medical reasons

* Have been offered coverage by an insurer with a conditional rider limiting coverage

* Have only been offered coverage at a premium rate that is higher than Inclusive Health's rate

* Have existing non-group coverage in effect, but at a premium rate higher than Inclusive Health's rate

* Have a diagnosed condition from a list of high-risk conditions (also known as presumptive health conditions

* Are a federally HIPAA-eligible individual, including those who currently have this coverage through an insurer

* Are a resident eligible for federal Health Coverage Tax Credit under the Transitional Assistance Act (international trade-displaced workers and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation recipients)

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