Family & Relationships Conflict

Getting Back With Your Ex - Best Way to Increase Your Chances

Are you struggling with the process of getting back with your ex? Does everything you do to win back your ex seem to make your chances of getting back together even more remote? He won't answer your phone calls, emails go unanswered and text messaging is useless.
You even resorted to snail mail; but still, no answer.
You then tried calling his friends to see if they would talk with him, but the reception was chilly and the results were even chiller.
You're really down in the dumps because your chances of getting back with your ex seem dismal.
Does this scenario sound familiar to you? If you have been trying again and again to initiate contact with your ex, then the first thing you should do is stop.
Contrary to the way you feel, your attempts to reach out and communicate with your ex at this time will have a negative impact on increasing your chances of getting back together.
The best way to increase your chances of getting back with your ex is to initially distance yourself from your ex after the breakup, which means do not attempt to contact your ex.
Most likely your ex is going to resist and reject any type of contact you try to make at this time anyway.
You need to spend this time focusing on yourself.
A relationship breakup is one of the most devastating events in life.
Start directing your energies toward getting out and about, exercising, taking up a hobby, having a makeover or experiencing anything that brings you enjoyment.
This will help restore calm back to your life and you will be better equipped to deal with your relationship breakup.
After a period of no contact with your ex, he will more likely be thinking of you.
This technique can then lead to your ex having feelings of "missing you.
" As his feelings change, the possibility of getting back with ex increases.

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