Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Build Your Own Shed - What You Need to Know Before You Begin Building Your Own Shed

If you have decided to build your own shed, do not even begin this project without first doing your research.
Don't make the same mistake I did.
A few years ago, I helped my son in law build a shed, neither one of us had a specific plan.
Instead, we consulted our local hardware store.
We ended up with a disaster, to say the least.
Between the time and money we wasted, we probably could have built two or three sheds.
Doing this on the fly just isn't a great idea.
This article will cover some very important things you need to know before you begin this project.
Before you start, check for specific shed-building code requirements in your city or town.
You can visit the municipal building department to get this information.
You should also discuss your plans with your Home Owner's Association.
You may need to get a permit from them as well.
There's a common misconception that building permits are only required for larger sheds.
That is simply not true.
You may need a building permit regardless of the size of the shed.
If you build a shed on your property without first obtaining a permit, you may be required to either move the shed, or even take it down completely by your town.
So make sure you are covered.
How do you know your plans are worth it? A good set of blueprints will come with a complete list of materials you will need along with a cut chart.
The cut chart will show you exactly what size to cut your wood.
Having this information is a great time saver; you can have all your material cut to size before you even hammer in your first nail.
Only a professional set of construction plans will have this, anything less and you will be wasting a lot of time figuring things out.
Now really ask yourself what you will be using this shed for.
This will give you a more specific look at what you will need.
For example, will your shed require an electric source as well? What about the color? Make sure it matches your home and other out buildings as well as blend in well with the landscaping.
Your Home Owner's Association may require that you do this anyway.
Be sure you find this out before you pick your colors.
By being prepared and having a good set of plans, things will go very smoothly when it comes time to build your own shed.
You will be in control.

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