Are My Dryer Sheets Causing Spots on My Clothes?
- If the dryer has a steam cycle, the use of a fabric softener sheet is likely responsible for the stains on items in the dryer. The reason for this is that the steam interacts negatively with the chemicals on the fabric softener sheet, depositing stains onto fabric.
- Fabric softener sheets may also be responsible for stains on items in the dryer if the fabric softener sheet was added late in the cycle. The sheets are meant to be placed in the dryer with wet or damp items. Placing the fabric softener sheet in with partially dried fabrics may result in staining.
- Another factor is whether or not there are substances in the dryer that are causing the staining, including transfers from other clothing items or iron or rust stains. Clean the dryer tub with a mild household cleaner, and wipe it down with a damp cloth. You can also create a cleaning paste by mixing powdered laundry detergent with some water. Apply the paste to the stains, and wipe clean with a damp cloth. Tumble a load of towels to dry.
- To clean stains caused by fabric softener sheets, add a stain removal product to the stains, and gently rub the fabric together. Rewash the items in the washing machine with a normal wash cycle.