Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

What Exactly is Silymarin?

Silymarin is a compound discovered when modern-day researchers began to look at the healing properties of various herbal and traditional remedies.
The compound is found in the blessed milk thistle, a common plant, often considered a weed, which grows throughout the world.
Its native homeland extended from Southern Europe to Asia.
Milk thistle was used traditionally to treat liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, jaundice and hepatitis.
It was recommended for gallbladder complaints and used on a regular basis to provide protection against liver damage from a variety of environmental factors.
Although, some researchers have concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the use of milk thistle in hepatitis or other diseases, the plant is cultivated in Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, China, and Argentina, as well as throughout Europe specifically for the pharmaceutical industry.
A drug is made from the extract that is used in the treatment of severe liver toxicity, caused by exposure to poisons, such as the death cap mushroom.
In herbal and alternative medicine, milk thistle is recommended for a variety of health problems, including skin conditions.
Most conditions affecting the skin are caused or complicated by nutritional deficiencies.
If a nutritional deficiency is not an underlying cause, the conditions are still benefitted by nutritional therapies.
The compounds in milk thistle, including silymarin, Silibinin, and silybin, are ultimately nutrients.
They provide nourishment or other protection to the plant.
There is no doubt that they can protect people, too.
The moist shoots, flowers and other parts of the plant can be eaten for nourishment.
Of all of the nutrients known to be important to our health, antioxidants are some of the most important.
Age-related damage, such as wrinkles, age spots and sagging, is caused primarily by free radical damage.
The body's natural defense against free radical damage is the antioxidant.
Silymarin is known to have antioxidant activity.
Practically every plant contains compounds that have similar activities.
If you have a skin problem, age-related or otherwise, any alternative or holistic practitioner would tell you to treat the problem from the inside out and from the outside in.
You don't get that kind of advice from the mainstream medical community, because they focus primarily on treating symptoms.
They rarely attempt to cure a problem.
They don't even like to use the word "cure".
A complete approach to treating skin conditions would include the use of appropriate skincare products, possibly making dietary changes and increasing one's nutritional intake.
You should not think of silymarin or any other single ingredient as a magic pill.
These things are aids.
If you take the right steps, they can help you along the way.
Any health problem, including those affecting the liver will show up on the skin.
Since the liver is responsible for detoxifying the blood, one of the first things you might notice is dark, bruised looking areas under your eyes.
A yellowing of the whites of the eyes may also be present.
In order to have clear skin that is wrinkle free for life, you need more than silymarin can do, alone.
Learn how to choose good skincare products, as a first step in the right direction.
Check out my website to discover more on what you need to know in selecting effective skin care products.

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