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Human traficking


Human Trafficking has caused untold agony and pains to victims who are mostly women and children the world over Nigeria unfortunately has been identified as a major transit camp for traffickers.

Borno State which is bordered by three neighboring countries of T,Chad, Niger and Cameroon republic with porous borders  has continued to be haven for human traffickers.

According to Wikipedia, human Trafficking is the practice of people being tricked, lured, covered or otherwise removed from their home or country and then compelled to work with no or low payment or on terms which are highly exploitative, the practice is considered to be trade or commerce in people which has many feature of slavery, and which is illegal in most countries. The victim of human trafficking can be used in a variety of situation, including prostitution, for labor (including bounded labor or dept bondage) and others form of involuntary servitude. The sale of babies and children for adoption or other purpose is also considered to be trafficking in those children the "United nations convention against transnational organized Crime". Annex ii. Section 1 Articles 3 (pg, 42), State it further revealed that the protocol to prevent suppress and punish Trafficking in persons. Especially women's and children (also referred to as the parlamo protocol) is a protocol to the united nations convention against transnational organized crime and defined human trafficking as the ‘recruitment, transportation, transfer, laboring or receipt a person, by means of the threat or used of force or other form of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception of the abuse of power or of a position of  vulnerability  or of the giving or receiving of payment or benefit  achieved the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. In an article on human trafficking a global problem as of September 2008, the protocol has been signed by 117 countries, and there are 124 parties.

The economic roots a trafficking in the UNECE region- Regional prep meeting for being +10-Pr2004/04gen noze.htm States that human trafficking king is the fastest- growing criminal industry in the  world. With the total annual revenue for trafficking in persons estimated to be between USD $5 billion and $ 9 billion. the council of Europe States. "People trafficking has reach epidemic properties over the past decade with a global annual market of about $42.5 billion" in an article on international herald tribune. Similarly in a report, titled UNODC on human trafficking and migrant smuggling, the United Nations estimates nearly 2.5 million people from 27 different countries are being trafficked around the world.

Trafficked victims typically are recruited using coercion, deception, fraud, the abuse of power, or outright abduction.

Human trafficking is as old as mankind itself, during the historic and store age, trafficking occurs during inter tribal wars where victors kill the men and take their wives and children. They are made to do hard labor or converted as wives and sex slaves. During the iron middle and mediaeval ages, human trafficking took the form of slavery, unlike war situation; human beings are forcefully captured and sold both in the communities and foreign lands. The purpose is for them to serve as labored and other demanding jobs.

Modern day human trafficking has not significantly changed from that of the olden days. As a human practice that evolved with making, human trafficking has continued t take different forms and sophistication. As a trade declared illegal by international conventions and state laws, traffickers continued to advice means to move human beings across international boundaries and evade law enforcement organization. Although economically motivated, modern from of human trafficking has women and children as major victims. Because they are vulnerable, women particularly young girls are deceptively convinced to leave their home to foreign lands in search of greener pastures. Sometimes the victims are kidnapped or threatened with serve consequence if they do not play along. Instead of getting to the land flowing with milk, Honey many of those trafficked end up as sex slaves, forced prostitution child laborers and house help engaging in menial labor. In recent times human trafficking has taking worrying dimension. It has metamorphosed from  a small business to a multi million naira business, the business  in run by syndicated groups with international connections that enable them move trafficked persons across  several borders to get to their destinations. The trafficked persons are mostly moved using false names and addresses.

According to Wikipedia, due to the illegal, nature of trafficking and different in methodology, the exact extent is unknown. According to united state department data, an "estimated   600,000 to 820,000 men, women, and children are trafficked coercion international borders each years, approximately 70 percent are women and girls and up to 80 percent are mirrors, the data also illustrates that the major transnational victims are trafficked into commercial sexual exploitation, however, for goes on to say that "the claiming enslavement of people for purpose A labor exploitation, often in their own countries is a form of human trafficking that can be hard to track from afar."

A report titled, falling short of the mark an international study on the treatment of human trafficking victims states that a common misconception is that trafficking only occurs in poor countries. But every country in the world is involved in the underground, lucrative system. A "source country" is a country form which people are trafficked. Usually these countries are destitute and may have been further weekend by war corruption natural disasters or climate. Some source countries are Nepal, Guatemala, the former soviet territories, and Nigeria but and there many more. A "transit country" like Mexico or Israel is temporary stop on trafficked victim's journey to the country where they will be enslaved. A "destination country" is where trafficked person end up. These countries are generally affluent since they must have citizens with enough disposable income to "buy" the traffickers product Japan, India, much of western Europe, and they united states are all destination countries. The most common destination for victims of human trafficked are Thailand, Japan, Israel, Belgium. The Netherlands, Germany, Italy Turkey and the US.  According to a report by the UNODC (United Nations office on drugs and Crime).

The major sources of trafficked persons include Thailand, China, Nigeria, Albania, Bulgaria, Belarus Moldova and Ukraine.

Human trafficking in Nigeria is a major violation of the right of those exploited, it is an illegal movement of human being for illicit commercial and business dealings. Records obtained from UNICE concerning Nigeria in the last two decade indicate that millions of young girls and small children are drawn into different types of exploitative labor. It is an establish fact that the women and children are the vulnerable group.

In Nigeria, trafficking in children and women mainly for the purpose of domestic service or prostitution is relatively attribute to the high level of poverty in the country which has received wide media coverage with little research due  to its clandestine nature.

According to studies  carried out by the international labor organization it was discover that locations suspected to have a high population of  trafficked people in 2000 include Owerri  Imo State, Portharcourt, Rivers State, Calabar Cross Rivers State. Lagos, Kano Maiduguri Borno State and Sokoto According to the Survey, the proportion of trafficked children mainly aged ten to sixteen was high.
In these sites, there was confusion between trafficking and migration through traditional fostering arrangement which have been a common practice under the guise of almajiri and apprenticeship.

The international trafficking in women and children is not purely a local phenomenon within Nigeria's borders. It has a regional and international dimension, with criminal rings involved in smuggling of women and children mainly for menial work and commercial sex in Europe.

These women and children are cured abroad by traffickers promising them and their parents. Legitimate and lucrative work According to the 6th June 2000 assessment and analysis, the trafficking of Nigeria girls and women to Italy and other part of  Europe has slave like characteristic. Due to tight security, traffickers have resorted to other subtle ways.

Many Nigeria girls are forced to make long overland routes across the share to north Africa and treacherous crossing in small boats with some never reaching their destinations. They are stripped naked and physically examined before being sold to these racketed with their names and identities hidden or change. The same source indicated that there are about 20,000nigerians girls engage in commercial sex workers were deported from Italy in 1999. Borno State bordered by three countries is one of the major transit routes used by human trafficking syndicates. As a gateway to the nations Mediterranean axis through the sahara desert the porous borders make it easier for the journey by road, in the last few years the Borno State commend  of the Nigeria Customs and immigration service have made several large seizures A human traffickers and their  Cargo. Most of the arrest were made along routes on the Bama Banki, Border linking the State with Cameroon and Chad.

Most a those trafficked in recent times through Borno  are young girls and small boys from some of the southern state. It is established that people of borno have started joining the trade under the guise of making life better in neighboring countries.

Most of the Girls caught up in the business end up in Europe engaging in sex trade many who are forced into prostitution are abuse d ending up as HIV/AIDS and psychiatric patients.

Studies by UNICEF between (1999 – 2001) reveal that about 8 million Nigerian Children, male and female are exploited through child labor practice in the country.

According to executives secretary of the national agency for the prohibition of trafficking in persons (NAPTIP) Mr. S mon Egede, the agency has since inception in 2003 arrested and convicted 65 human traffickers, rescued and repatriated 4,000 victims with some it them rehabilitated. The executive secretary at a public lecturer organized by NAPTIP sys "women are now more than any time in the missing persons lists then the men" trafficking of persons is now almost feminized as women more than men are both victims and traffickers in the criminal process.

According to professor Christiana okotie at the University of benin "the man victims are women and Children who are cured away by economic hardship in the country and pushed to the western world in search of the Golden Fleece"

Both external and internal forms of human trafficking are Associated with poverty, rural unborn drift , lack A ability of relevant security agencies to police the porous borders, illiteracy, unemployment and high school drop outs. Most importantly the drive is motivated by the increasing materials values of get rich – quick syndrome and lack of awareness on the negatives effect of human trafficking.

      What then is the prized for human trafficking both for the traffickers and the trafficked? can the glittering materials and financial gains of a successful trip be compared with the shame, pain and loss of integrity suffer by the traffickers or the "seeming lucrative job opportunities abroad" be compared with the loss of self worth, discrimination, abandonment and sometimes death suffered by the trafficked?

The quest to get rich quack and be out of the poverty circle cure most people into engaging in human trafficking and once inside the click it is near impossible to option out even if intended because of fear of the consequences of doing so, the trafficker gradually becomes a prisoner of a dirty trade. Another price is the bad image the trafficker attracts to himself and his family and generation at large. The trafficker as well as his or her "cargo" also suffer harsh weather conditions, hunger and sometimes attack from bandit's en roule their destinations.

The trafficked person goes through physical emotional and psychology stress as they follow difficult terrain in order to avoid security agents. At the end of the cell these rosy and lucrative jobs they were promised turn to be cheap and hard labor in homes, industries, prostitution and other dehumanizing activities,  the trafficked girls, women and children travel with no valid travel documents and request permit for residence and employment. The young star becomes destitute and heartbroken with little or no money therefore unable to return t o their families on their own. Many are subjected to torture for low productivity as well as sexual degradation, pending their eventual deportation which is the only source of escape. This endless and vicious circle hurts the image as the country and the dignity a these young people or victims.

The international trade in Nigeria girl and women for sex trade has continued to develop despite constitutional provisions out lowing slavery and forced labor section 34 of 1999 constitution and more specific legal provision against the trading of female for purpose prostitution. Sections 223 – 225 of the criminal code applicable in southern Nigeria provides for sanctions against whoever trades in prostitution facilitate the transport of human being within and outside Nigeria for commercial sexual exploitation and make profit from related activities. Likewise, articles 278 -280 of the penal code, operative in the northern states provide for imprisonment for the buying and selling of minor for immoral purpose. However, in practice, those involve in the trafficking a children and women have rarely been apprehended and successfully prosecuted.

The Nigeria government has also established various agencies and participated in non government organization by sensitizing, people and media expose traffickers and the victim click. All said and done, the most worrisome issue is respect of human trafficking is the fact that women are more than ever before taking the as barons A this illegal and dirty business. Should it be left to continue? We all have a part and a voice to speak out.

War against human trafficking is a major aspect of the rebranding project,  it should be joined by all apart from significant laws and legislation many have established organization whose specific responsibilities are arresting the ugly social problem. Nigeria which is major supplier, passage and a nation where internal human trafficking is also practiced set up NAPTIP an organization aimed at spearheading the war against human trafficking. Although the challenges are enormous, NAPTIP in collaboration with other stakeholders conduct arrest a traffickers counsels and rehabilitate trafficked persons as well as prosecution today in Nigeria alongside NAPTIP, ten government agencies including the presidency and over 20 international organizations as well as local NGOs are assisting in the fight against human trafficking the war against human trafficking is gaining momentum. While several local, national and muti – national agencies are championing the struggle it is a long way to checking the social ill.

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