Society & Culture & Entertainment Environmental

Innovations in Valve Boxes Offer Convenience and Minimize Environmental Effects

Though they may not considered the most important or technologically advanced part of any piping, electrical, or phone wire system, valve boxes serve an integral role in the proper maintenance and function of all the basic utilities, including water, electricity, cable TV, telephone and gas.
They come in many different designs that serve purposes beyond their basic functionality.
The valve boxes that are currently being introduced by manufacturers improve upon the strong and durable that have been protecting against potential leaks, outages, accidental shut-offs and injuries for many years.
Now come in a variety of designs built for durability, ease of opening for authorized maintenance, keeping out insects and animals, water tightness, and resistance to pressure.
In recent years innovative valve box adaptors have been introduced by some manufacturers that provide utility providers with the capabilities to change the height that are either too high or too low in order to keep valve box lids flush with the ground.
The current interest in environmentally friendly products has inspired a line of valve boxes that are made from recycled and non-corrosive materials to prevent chemicals and other toxins from seeping into soil and contaminating drinking water supplies.
Another innovation allows to be easily located magnetically, decreasing time and energy wasted in searching for overgrown and forgotten valve boxes.
Are no longer pieces of equipment to be installed without giving any thought to the options or design.
The options now available for protecting valves open up a world of possibilities and convenience that can make a significant impact of the overall function of any piping, wiring, gas or electrical wiring system.

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