Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Talk to Him - Best Ways to Get Through to Your Man

Do you wish to communicate beautifully with your man? Would you like more finesse in this area of communication? Does the subject of speaking with your man have you stumped? Read on for amazing tips that will make a star communicator out of you! Tip #1: Speak from your heart.
Most people speak from their head.
The head is the place which is crowded with thoughts and reason and judgment, all things that are treacherous to relationships and happiness.
If you speak from your heart, you will do so with feeling and create an atmosphere of freedom in your relationship.
Your man will feel it and sense you coming from a different place: he will respond accordingly.
Tip #2: Think before you speak.
Mama told you this, and now, we are repeating it.
Most of us just blunder into situations.
Preparation is key.
Prepare with a sense of confidence.
If you feel fear, it will come through.
Tip #3: The cave.
That is where you should retreat if you are feeling less than good.
Or, in other words, if you are feeling crummy, don't talk at that time.
Feel good first.
Surely, you don't like people dumping on you: you shouldn't do that to others, especially those closest to you.
People think they can talk any way to their family.
Charity begins at home.
Tip #4: Be kind.
Speak your mind, but be kind, no matter what.
It will set the tone or the climate of talk in your relationship.
If you are consistently kind, you can, then, rightfully walk away if someone is being less than kind to you.
Tip #5: Decide the outcome.
If it is a talk of importance, decide how you would like it to go.
Then broach the subject.
You will have more power and more chances of success in this way.
If you don't get your desired outcome, you have every right to declare a temporary break and come back to the drawing board later.
Tip #6: KISS.
No, don't break out the French stuff.
Keep It Simple Sweetheart.
What you have to say does not need to be couched in reams of words.
Use few words and get straight to the point.
Tip #7: I.
Yes, use the word I, not you.
This will prevent fights and feelings of defensiveness in your man.
So if you are upset, say "I feel upset" instead of "you have made me upset".
As we can see, beautiful communication is only a matter of mindfulness.
Speak how you would like to be spoken to and the world will be better, not just your relationship with your guy!

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