Can a Single Unemployed Male Get Food Stamps in Alabama?
- As a single male with no dependents, you're allowed to have earned and unearned income that amounts to as much as $1,174 a month before taxes or deductions, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Even if you aren't working, any income you're receiving from such things as Supplemental Security Income, worker's compensation, unemployment, child support, investments or rental properties counts. Once deductions (such as your housing and utility costs) are subtracted from your income, you can earn as much as $903 a month.
- You can get SNAP in Alabama if you aren't working, but if you're a single, able-bodied man between the ages of 18 and 50, you must register for work. Benefits are restricted to three months during any three-year period unless you participate in some sort of work program or work at least 20 hours a week. You can lose your benefits if you quit a suitable job, according to the Alabama Department of Human Resources.
- Certain situations allow for a waiver of the work requirements, according to the Alabama Department of Human Resources. For instance, if you're physically or mentally ill you can continue to receive help even if you don't register for work. Additionally, if you're caring for someone who is under 18 years old, or who is disabled or incapacitated, a full-time student or participating in a drug or alcohol treatment program, the rules are waived. Pregnant women are also exempt.
- As a single person, you're eligible to have $2,000 in resources when you apply for SNAP benefits, according to the USDA, or $3,000 if you are elderly or disabled. Resources are things such as bank account balances, money on hand and investments. While the USDA guidelines call for agencies to count vehicles as a resource, the state of Alabama doesn't.
- U.S. citizens and certain immigrants are eligible to apply for a receive food stamps, according to the USDA. Eligible immigrants to Alabama include those who are permanent resident aliens.
You may not be eligible for food stamps if you have a criminal record, even if you qualify in every other aspect, according to the Legal Action Center. Alabama prohibits drugs felons from receiving food stamps for their lifetimes.