Going From Hobby Writing to Professional Writing? 10 Reality Check Questions
Are you having so much fun writing that you've considered turning your weekend writing into a paying full-time career? Writing certainly is a very creative outlet for the individual who likes to write, and it's also true that some writer's go from hobby writing to writing for business.
If you want to succeed in your newfound writing business, here are a few things you may want to take into account before jumping in with both feet.
Be advised that you will need to ask yourself these important questions: 1.
Am I willing to make a commitment to myself and follow through? 2.
Am I able to clarify exactly where I want to take my professional writing? 3.
What exactly do I hope to accomplish as a professional writer? 4.
Do I want to write fiction or non-fiction? 5.
Can I honestly determine my exact goal I hope to achieve in my writing business? 6.
Am I willing to take the training to become a professional writer? 7.
Do I want to pursue writing stories, novels, screenplays, or business writing? 8.
Am I willing to make sacrifices with my time allotments? 9.
Do I have the willingness to take the steps necessary to compete in the writing field? 10.
Am I willing to step out of my comfort zone to pursue my writing goals? In all honesty, be prepared for a perspective change.
Writing may be a lot of fun when you do it as a hobby or a weekend fun project, but when it becomes your life, your full-time career, and your income, your perspective towards your writing will definitely change.
The change may be positive or it may be negative.
This perspective depends on your attitude, your goal clarification, and how you perceive your writing opportunities.
If you want to succeed in your newfound writing business, here are a few things you may want to take into account before jumping in with both feet.
Be advised that you will need to ask yourself these important questions: 1.
Am I willing to make a commitment to myself and follow through? 2.
Am I able to clarify exactly where I want to take my professional writing? 3.
What exactly do I hope to accomplish as a professional writer? 4.
Do I want to write fiction or non-fiction? 5.
Can I honestly determine my exact goal I hope to achieve in my writing business? 6.
Am I willing to take the training to become a professional writer? 7.
Do I want to pursue writing stories, novels, screenplays, or business writing? 8.
Am I willing to make sacrifices with my time allotments? 9.
Do I have the willingness to take the steps necessary to compete in the writing field? 10.
Am I willing to step out of my comfort zone to pursue my writing goals? In all honesty, be prepared for a perspective change.
Writing may be a lot of fun when you do it as a hobby or a weekend fun project, but when it becomes your life, your full-time career, and your income, your perspective towards your writing will definitely change.
The change may be positive or it may be negative.
This perspective depends on your attitude, your goal clarification, and how you perceive your writing opportunities.