Health & Medical Healthy Living

Low Calorie Dash Diet

    A Reputable Diet

    • The DASH diet is also recommended by the U.S. Deptartment of Health and Human Services and the American Heart Association. This diet helped form the basis for the new USDA food pyramid. It includes plans which contained 1,200, 1,600, and 2,000 calories a day. Because many woman find it hard to lose weight, they may benefit from the 1,200 calorie a day diet, while someone trying to maintain their weight may choose the 2,000 calorie per day diet. One should talk to their doctor or nutritionist before making this decision, as each person's caloric needs are different.

    Flexible andHealthy

    • The DASH diet is flexible enough to integrate into a wide range of preferred cuisines and individual food preferences, as well a vegetarian diets. The diet emphasizes whole grains, including breads, cereals, pastas and rice; lean meats, such as beef tenderloin; fish and skinless poultry; vegetables; fruits; low fat and nonfat dairy,including yogurt, milk and cheeses; nuts and legumes, such as chickpeas and beans, and other foods that are low in salt and are heart healthy. This diet also promotes regular exercise.

    The DASH diet book

    • One may find it helpful to purchase the book "The Dash Diet Action Plan," written by dietitian Marla Heller. The book contains 28 days of meal plans as well as recipes ranging from Thanksgiving dinner dishes to home style meals. It provides culinary tips as well as suggestions on heart healthy fast-food choices. Published in 2007, Heller claims that although this diet does not promote an unrealistic nor aggressive weight loss regime, some followers have reported to have lost 10 to 35 pounds in just a few months.

    What to expect

    • A typical day following a 2,000 calorie per day DASH diet plan may include:

      Breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal (cooked - not instant), 8 oz. low fat or fat free milk, 1/2 cup fresh or frozen berries, 8 oz. orange juice

      Snack: 8 oz. vegetable juice, 1.5 oz. nuts

      Lunch: 1 cup raw leafy greens, 2 oz. grilled or broiled skinless chicken breast, 2 tbsp. low fat salad dressing, 1 large whole grain roll

      Snack 2: 8 oz. low fat yogurt, 1 medium sized apple, 1/2 cup whole grain crackers

      Dinner: 2 oz. cooked salmon, 1 cup whole grain rice, 1/2 cup cooked vegetables, 1/2 cup dry cooked beans, 1 cup cooked vegetables

      Snack 3: 1 cup whole grain cereal with 8 oz. low fat or fat free milk, medium sized banana

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