Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

Thuraya Dialing Instructions

    Initializing Your Phone

    • 1). Go outside, switch on the phone and pull out its antenna.

    • 2). Go to "Menu" and select "System Preference". Select "SAT only" to set the phone to only use satellite networks.

    • 3). Go back to the menu and select "Network," then select "Sat Registration." This will allow your phone to sync up with the satellite and record your GPS coordinates. This process can take up to 20 minutes.

    • 4). Go back to "System Preferences" in the menu, and select your preferred option. Choose "GSM only" or "SAT only" to use GSM or satellite networks at all times. Choose "GSM preferred" or "SAT preferred" to allow the phone to switch from one mode to the other if the preferred network is unavailable.

    Making a Call

    • 1). Make sure that "Thuraya +" and the name of the country you are in are displayed on the screen.

    • 2). Enter "00" or "+" followed by the country code of the country you are calling and the full phone number, including area code. For example, to make a call to a number in the United States, you would dial 00-1-555-123-4567.

    • 3). Press the call button to confirm the number and place the call.

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