Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Winning Tips To Ace A Webcam Interview

Webcam interview sessions have become more and more common in recent years. Employers choose to interview potential candidates over the webcam for a variety of reasons with convenience topping the list.

As job environments go global, more and more businesses are starting to source employees and independent contractors from different cities, states or even countries. This is the case for both contractual employment and w2 jobs, and has resulted in a revolution in interview techniques.

Webcam job interviews offer a convenient and cost-effective option for employers who have to interview multiple candidates scattered across a state or region. As such, webcam interview skills have become an essential item in many candidates job search arsenal. Here are some effective tips to help you handle any video job interview.

Ensure an Appropriate Environment

The right environment is critical to ensuring a successful webcam based job interview. Make sure you set up the equipment in an area that is free from any loud ambient noise. Avoid family rooms or those with windows that look onto a high traffic area.

Its a good idea to set aside a space for the interview beforehand. Schedule the interview for when any kids are at school. Or ask a friend or family member to take them for the morning or evening. Pets also need to be contained so that they dont wander into the frame or the room during the interview. If you have a dog prone to barking or a cat that had a habit of meowing for attention, ask a helpful friend or family member to take them outside.

Take the time to clean up the background. Remove any inappropriate or personal items from the frame. You might have a passion for chick lit or a tendency to let the laundry pile up over the week. There is no need to let your interviewers view evidence of these traits. Its also a good idea to remove any colorful or distracting objects that can draw the interviewers attention away from you.

Make a final check of your surroundings an hour or so before the interview. Switch off your cell phone at this point and also mute the ringer on any land phones near you.

Dress Formally and Appropriately

Unless specifically informed otherwise, dress as you would for a regular interview. Dark colored clothes look better on camera. Men can wear dark formal suits with sober ties and light shirts. Women can opt for dark pantsuits. Avoid too much skin show, including plunging necklines or high hemlines (if you are wearing a skirt or dress). Too much or too flashy jewelry is also a no-no. Do not forget to wear an appropriate set of footwear. Accidental camera angle changes can show up bare or inappropriately clad feet.

Be Honest

Finally, always be truthful in your statements. Its very easy for employees to check things like your exact compensation at your previous job, especially in w2 jobs. Avoid making false statements as these will be seen as a serious breach by the hiring panel.

Use these tips to ace your next webcam interview.

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