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4 Amazing Penis Techniques to Last Longer in Bed

Men often think that in order to become a brilliant lover, they need to know how to give their woman orgasms through oral sex.
Oral sex is indeed important and can be incredibly satisfying to the woman.
However, as a result, men often neglect their own sexuality and the fact that, by using appropriate penis techniques, they could actually give their woman insane pleasure by simply lasting longer in bed.
"Penis techniques" is a general term I use to refer to methods that help you enhance your sexual skills.
There is a bunch of penis techniques you can do to massively improve your sexual performance.
Here's some of the most important ones:
  1. Find your PC muscle
  2. Train your PC muscle
  3. Learn to control your arousal
  4. Become multiorgasmic
Let me briefly cover these topics.
) Finding your PC muscle - The PC muscle is a muscle in your pelvic floor region.
It's a muscle that has huge potential if used properly, but is unfortunately neglected by most people.
It's one of the muscles that you use to stop the flow of urine when you are peeing yet haven't emptied your bladder yet.
That is also the easiest way to find the muscle - practice stopping the flow of urine a few times and then simply try repeating the "motion" when you are not peeing.
Squeezing the PC muscle during sex has the interesting property of slightly diminishing your arousal and therefore delaying the orgasm.
With some practice you should be able to employ this penis technique to lengthen the time you can last in bed before you feel the need to ejaculate.
) Training your PC muscle - The PC muscle is a muscle like any other.
Which means, it can be trained! The stronger your PC muscle is, the more effectively you can use it delay an upcoming orgasm.
Training the muscle essentially involves contracting it for specific lengths of time and then relaxing it.
Very much like doing "reps" in the gym.
A good training program for the PC muscle can, however, be quite elaborate, and although there's nothing too complicated, it's simply beyond the scope of this article.
The awesome thing about doing PC muscle workouts is that it can be done almost anywhere and anytime - nobody knows you're doing them! 3.
) Learning to control your arousal - Many have a problem with ejaculating too soon simply because they "get lost" in their arousal and the orgasm "takes them by surprise".
A crucial part of becoming a better lover is getting to know the boundaries and the workings of your arousal.
A simple exercise might involve stimulating yourself (whether you are alone or with your partner) until your arousal is very high, and stopping just before the orgasm.
Now let the arousal fall.
Give it a minute or two.
Now start the sexual stimulation again.
Repeat this cycle until you feel like letting go and simply go for the orgasm.
Even doing this really simple exercise a few times should give you a better understanding of how your arousal works.
) Become Multiorgasmic - Now this is HUGE.
Learning to delay an orgasm to last longer in bed is certainly great, but developing real multiorgasmic abilities will take your sexual skills on a whole new level.
Becoming multiorgasmic essentially eliminates the need to learn any of the other penis techniques mentioned earlier.
What does it mean for a man to be multiorgasmic? It means he can achieve several orgasms during sexual intercourse without losing his erection! Effectively, this means you get to decide how long the intercourse lasts! A multiorgasmic man can give his woman as many orgasms as he wants and get as many orgasms as he wants - he is no rush.
How do you become multiorgasmic? The important thing to realise is that this not something you have to be born with or something you need to learn early on in your life.
Male multiple orgasm is a completely acquirable skill for a sexually active man of any age.
It requires a bit of time and some dedication, but generally doesn't take more than a few weeks of practice.
Imagine if you could last in bed for as long as you wanted.
What sort of an impact would that have on your sex life? Multiorgasmic abilities are probably the most important thing a man can do to become a brilliant lover! If you are interested in developing multiorgasmic abilities, I highly recommend you check out the website below.
The website offers a full training course for men who want to become multiorgasmic.

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