What is Low Progesterone Infertility?
One of the most common causes of why many of the modern-day women face problems in conceiving a baby is low progesterone infertility. A low count of progesterone affects the reproductive ability of females on various fronts. Ovulation can become problematic, while miscarriages can also occur - all due to the presence of inadequate progesterone in the female body system. Progesterone levels go down, and the bodily equilibrium is hampered, generally due to excessive and unnecessary consumption of antibiotics and food with harmful chemicals in it. A highly stressful life also proves to be harmful in this context. All these factors combine to make the female reproductive system malfunction. As a result, the issue of infertility raises its head. Even the hormonal balance, which is so crucial in the ovulation timings as well as the creation of the Corpus Luteum (that would prepare the uterus for implantation) goes haywire. Ideally, regular hormonal changes discharge female egg from the ovary, and thicken the lining of the uterus walls, so that the fertilized egg can be properly prepared. This whole system breaks down due to low progesterone levels. As a result, neither the female egg (or, ova) can be converted into the Corpus Luteum, nor can preparations for implantation take place in the endometrium. Hence, the affected lady becomes infertile. With really low count of progesterone, even a situation of pregnancy is likely to end in a miscarriage. This because, in such situations, the female body is now no longer able to bear the demands of pregnancy.
The best way to tackle the problem of low progesterone infertility is by adopting a holistic approach. Alternative conventional methods are also available. However, they often come with a hefty price tag, and also hold out potentially harmful side-effects. There are also some other methods that try to provide a natural solution to this problem. Indeed, in resolving the issues of infertility owing to low levels of progesterone, these methods have already had some success too.
Gynecological studies (or, fu-ke, as it is known in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) ) recommends the exclusive use of herbal medicines in this method. Various plants, rich in medicinal values, are used to treat hormonal disturbances, irregularity in having periods, problems prior to the menstrual cycle commencing, pain in the lower pelvic region and for damaged levels of fertility. The roots, barks, fruits and flowers of the plants are used for these curative purposes. Acupuncture is also recommended, with the ears, wrists, feet, legs or the back acting as ideal acupuncture sites. This method of treatment is slow by nature, and does take up a lot of time. However, with its direct focus on low progesterone infertility, the chances of success of this method are high as well.
Experts also often recommend raw herbs as an antidote to low progesterone infertility. While there are many medicines made out from these herbs, studies show that the power to heal of the herbs diminishes as the latter is processed. Thus, application of the herbs in the raw form yields better results than those from processed drugs. Basically, the innate body strength of women gets a lift from the therapeutic features of these plants. This helps the women to recover, quickly and healthily. This indeed is an extremely easy, nature-based method to hike up the natural levels of progesterone in the human body.
Other avenues to increase the level of progesterone levels include two major ways: Naturopathy and Aroma Therapy. The former relies on the assumption that the body can heal on its own, provided the remedies that are being used are all nature-based. Naturopathy focuses on providing the right kind of help and support to achieve this end. On the other hand, usage of essential (and often, fragrant) oils for massage forms the base of aroma therapy, aimed at curing bodily disorders. The essential oils can enter the human body by permeating through the tissues of cells. They then reach the bloodstreams, from where they reach the afflicted organ(s). Then, they set about to eliminate any existing problem.
Gone are the days when it was thought that the period of conceiving a baby has been pre-ordained for women (between the age range of 21-28) by Nature. The holistic perspective has indeed added a new dimension to the treatment of low progesterone infertility. The biological age of women has gained in importance in pregnancy-related issues, pushing the actual age (as proclaimed in birth certificates) in the background. Women need to take the stress of bearing a child in their body for nine months. Economic stability enters into the equation as well. Thus, now a woman can get pregnant even around the age of 40 - a time when the pre-menopausal phase starts to set in. In such cases, holistic treatment methods prescribe diets that are completely free of cholesterol and animal proteins. Exercising on a regular basis is a must, while adequate sleep time is essential too. Tea, coffee or alcohol consumption should ideally be stopped too. In order to resolve the problem of infertility, the holistic methods aim at detecting the causes of the problem, and then suggesting remedies, which include Chinese medicines, herbs, a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle. Indeed, for treating the issue of infertility, there is no better option than the holistic approach.
The best way to tackle the problem of low progesterone infertility is by adopting a holistic approach. Alternative conventional methods are also available. However, they often come with a hefty price tag, and also hold out potentially harmful side-effects. There are also some other methods that try to provide a natural solution to this problem. Indeed, in resolving the issues of infertility owing to low levels of progesterone, these methods have already had some success too.
Gynecological studies (or, fu-ke, as it is known in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) ) recommends the exclusive use of herbal medicines in this method. Various plants, rich in medicinal values, are used to treat hormonal disturbances, irregularity in having periods, problems prior to the menstrual cycle commencing, pain in the lower pelvic region and for damaged levels of fertility. The roots, barks, fruits and flowers of the plants are used for these curative purposes. Acupuncture is also recommended, with the ears, wrists, feet, legs or the back acting as ideal acupuncture sites. This method of treatment is slow by nature, and does take up a lot of time. However, with its direct focus on low progesterone infertility, the chances of success of this method are high as well.
Experts also often recommend raw herbs as an antidote to low progesterone infertility. While there are many medicines made out from these herbs, studies show that the power to heal of the herbs diminishes as the latter is processed. Thus, application of the herbs in the raw form yields better results than those from processed drugs. Basically, the innate body strength of women gets a lift from the therapeutic features of these plants. This helps the women to recover, quickly and healthily. This indeed is an extremely easy, nature-based method to hike up the natural levels of progesterone in the human body.
Other avenues to increase the level of progesterone levels include two major ways: Naturopathy and Aroma Therapy. The former relies on the assumption that the body can heal on its own, provided the remedies that are being used are all nature-based. Naturopathy focuses on providing the right kind of help and support to achieve this end. On the other hand, usage of essential (and often, fragrant) oils for massage forms the base of aroma therapy, aimed at curing bodily disorders. The essential oils can enter the human body by permeating through the tissues of cells. They then reach the bloodstreams, from where they reach the afflicted organ(s). Then, they set about to eliminate any existing problem.
Gone are the days when it was thought that the period of conceiving a baby has been pre-ordained for women (between the age range of 21-28) by Nature. The holistic perspective has indeed added a new dimension to the treatment of low progesterone infertility. The biological age of women has gained in importance in pregnancy-related issues, pushing the actual age (as proclaimed in birth certificates) in the background. Women need to take the stress of bearing a child in their body for nine months. Economic stability enters into the equation as well. Thus, now a woman can get pregnant even around the age of 40 - a time when the pre-menopausal phase starts to set in. In such cases, holistic treatment methods prescribe diets that are completely free of cholesterol and animal proteins. Exercising on a regular basis is a must, while adequate sleep time is essential too. Tea, coffee or alcohol consumption should ideally be stopped too. In order to resolve the problem of infertility, the holistic methods aim at detecting the causes of the problem, and then suggesting remedies, which include Chinese medicines, herbs, a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle. Indeed, for treating the issue of infertility, there is no better option than the holistic approach.