Insurance Insurance

Advice about Car Insurance Premiums to Motorists in Louisville, Kentucky

With all the different companies to choose from, one might see you as a high risk motorist where another company does not.  As you search for low car insurance premiums, you might want to take note of the many factors listed below that have an influence on auto insurance providers in Kentucky.

The type of vehicle you own, driving violations, where you live, credit rating, accident claims and occupation are all factors that influence car insurance providers in Louisville.  These can be changed over time to help reduce rates.  Factors that can't be changed include marital status, gender and age. A person's driving experience, miles driven yearly and occupation are other factors auto insurance providers use to determine rates.

Inquire about Car Insurance Discounts

When you're discussing prices and coverage with a car insurance agent in Louisville, always inquire about discounts the company has to offer drivers.  You might be eligible, but if you don't know what's available, you won't be able to take advantage of the savings.  Most insurance companies in Kentucky offer a discount to their policy holders with a good driving record or to those that have participated in a defensive driving course.

If you have added anti-theft devices, airbags or other safety products to your vehicle, you might be eligible for lower premium rates.  You might want to check on the good student discount if you have a young driver in your household.  Other discounts available for residents of Louisville include multiple car discounts and low mileage driven per year.

Some motorists don't realize exactly what discounts on car insurance rates are available.  For instance, members of certain clubs or organizations might be eligible for discounts.  Other discounts that may apply for motorists in Louisville are carpooling and having auto and home insurance on the same policy.

Opting for a Higher Insurance Deductible

If you are a motorist in Louisville with a clean driving record and have the resources to pay a higher amount, take the highest deductible you can on collision and comprehensive coverage.  You can lower your car insurance premium by up to 40 percent just by increasing your deductible from $250 to $1,000.

When considering changing your deductible, shop online at auto insurance comparison sites and compare prices by entering different deductibles to see how they affect your premium amounts.  Select the amount of deductible that best suits your budget. Lower Premium by Reducing Coverage

You'll find that by eliminating both collision and comprehensive coverage on a vehicle with a low market value will lower the premium significantly.  You can contact local car dealers or banks to obtain the value of your car.  Or you can look it up online at Kelley's Blue Book.

If you're storing a vehicle, keep your car insurance premium lower by carrying comprehensive coverage only during the storage time.  When you're ready to renew the coverage on your vehicle, review the policy to make sure your insurance requirements don't need an adjustment.

Now take these savings and use them to purchase that new car, boat or home in the future that you've been dreaming about!

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