Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

WoW Leveling Tips; Common Time Sinks?

Even if you've been playing as a pro for a long time, could you still be committing rookie mistakes that may cost you more /played time than necessary?

Let's go ahead and take a look at some of these time sinks.

1. Normal Level 80-84 dungeons.

Many would argue against this, but one should take into consideration whether running these dungeons are worth the time.

Sure, there is some great loot to pickup in instances; but at what cost? If you're running with pickups, you always have a great chance to wipeout in dungeons. Not only is there great chance somebody is going to flat out suck at their role, but the common case with Pickups is that they will abandon you at any second without notice.

The volatility of anything "bad" happening while running a dungeon, really does improve your chances of wiping, and ending up into nothing but a huge time sink.

There is one remedy that can either prevent, or enhance your dungeon runs. The first, simply do not join with Pickups, but instead join a guild and run only with guild mates, preferably while on a microphone. Running dungeons with a guild cannot only prevent time sinks, but possibly speed up yourleveling as well.

2. Not using BoE Gear Sets as you level.

This applies more to players who already have a main character who is wealthy with gold. However, if you are considering starting an alternate character and plan on leveling him up, know that by equipping him with the best possible BoE gear whenever it can be worn, you are significantly increasing the rate at which youlevel.

This is especially true when playing a gear dependant class; Rogues, Hunters, and Warriors the first three that come to mind, since all of their talent trees aredependent solely on gear.

3. Not Completing Quests in an Efficient Order.

A blatant statement than anybody can agree with, however the truth is that most players do not complete quests in the mostoptimized way possible.

Back when I was a new player starting to try and better my leveling efficiency, the first thing you really come to notice is that there thousands of thousands of quests in WoW, and that often times you find yourself wasting time traveling between point A and point B, because you didn't grab all the quests that involve downing mobs at point C.

It becomes overwhelming quite quickly if you don't know what you are doing. The best advice for this is to simply find a leveling guide. I would avoid the official guide that often comes in the pretty paperback cover at gamestop, simply because those guides are guaranteed to be outdated and just provide very general advice and not necessarily detailed specific steps. Sure, there are some paid ones out there that may have some better quality to them, but truth be told a free guide is just as helpful.

Even if you chose to not use guides, the one general tip anybody can apply is to reduce travel time. I cannot stress enough how much this will actually boost your leveling speed, as exp-less travel is easily the best way to waste time.

That pretty much sums up a very minuet amount of common mistakes made when leveling during Cataclysm. WoW is a wonderful yet extensive game, proving to be extremely time consuming; All the more encouraging to players to make the best use of their time! 

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