Spiritual and Biblical Insights About Suicide
*Then Saul said to his armor bearer, Draw your sword, and thrust me through with it, lest these uncircumcised men come and thrust me through and abuse me.
But his armor bearer would not, for he was greatly afraid.
Therefore Saul took a sword and fell on it.
Because Saul had turned away from God, he was left completely to his own devices.
He had great potential in his position as the chosen king of Israel, but he squandered it with jealousy, anger, and disobedience.
In the end, when all was lost, he believed he had nowhere to turn but to death.
* Suicide is attractive to a desperate person.
Such people need to be shown Gods gracious love and forgiveness.
There is always hope with God.
Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed, and went and hanged himself.
Judas was a complex and deluded man, and his relationship to Christ was complicated.
While he acknowledged that he had sinned, Judas did not repent and seek reconciliation to Christ as Peter later did (John 21).
Suicides are not always immediate, conscious, willful decisions.
For example, suicide often results from a prolonged, severe, deep depression.
Because we can only guess at his motivation for betraying Jesus, we must be cautious in our conclusions about Judas's life.
Judas may have become angry and indignant, nursing his resentments whenever Christ failed to fulfill his expectations of what a Messiah should be and do.
Try video counseling for help.
* A genuine Christian wouldn't lose his salvation by killing himself, but in the case of Judas, the Bible indicates that even though he regretted the consequences of his betrayal, he died lost, alienated from Christ (John 6:70; 17:12; Acts 1:25).
Faced with the result of one horrible act that he couldnt undo, he made the mistake of committing another such act.
We don't know what his final thoughts were, but by his self-destructive act, Judas eliminated the possibility of ever getting right with Christ the way he needed to.
But his armor bearer would not, for he was greatly afraid.
Therefore Saul took a sword and fell on it.
Because Saul had turned away from God, he was left completely to his own devices.
He had great potential in his position as the chosen king of Israel, but he squandered it with jealousy, anger, and disobedience.
In the end, when all was lost, he believed he had nowhere to turn but to death.
* Suicide is attractive to a desperate person.
Such people need to be shown Gods gracious love and forgiveness.
There is always hope with God.
Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed, and went and hanged himself.
Judas was a complex and deluded man, and his relationship to Christ was complicated.
While he acknowledged that he had sinned, Judas did not repent and seek reconciliation to Christ as Peter later did (John 21).
Suicides are not always immediate, conscious, willful decisions.
For example, suicide often results from a prolonged, severe, deep depression.
Because we can only guess at his motivation for betraying Jesus, we must be cautious in our conclusions about Judas's life.
Judas may have become angry and indignant, nursing his resentments whenever Christ failed to fulfill his expectations of what a Messiah should be and do.
Try video counseling for help.
* A genuine Christian wouldn't lose his salvation by killing himself, but in the case of Judas, the Bible indicates that even though he regretted the consequences of his betrayal, he died lost, alienated from Christ (John 6:70; 17:12; Acts 1:25).
Faced with the result of one horrible act that he couldnt undo, he made the mistake of committing another such act.
We don't know what his final thoughts were, but by his self-destructive act, Judas eliminated the possibility of ever getting right with Christ the way he needed to.