Business & Finance Bankruptcy

Don"t Want To End Up In Foreclosure And Have To File For Bankruptcy? Stop Spending

If you've been a responsible person your entire life and never want to end up in bankruptcy, it is important to use your smarts to budget your finances.
The first and most important thing to remember is to stop using your credit cards and even go to the extreme by destroying them.
Keep the debit card for unexpected emergencies and traveling.
If you start using cash it becomes a lot harder to spend as you see hard-earned dollars going out of your pocket.
Having a goal to stay away from filing for bankruptcy should include making a list of your needs versus your wants.
Your personal needs fall into four basic groups; food, clothing, shelter and transportation.
The easiest budget cut to make is to stop eating out for lunch as you can bring something from home.
Next, always try to extend the life of your clothes by taking care of them.
Also it's important to be proactive on the maintenance of your automobile as it could save you money in the future.
Owning a home is definitely part of the American dream.
When purchasing a home always be careful not to over extend yourself.
This is where many people get into trouble having to rely on two incomes to cover their house payment.
The American dream can quickly turn into a nightmare by the loss of one of those incomes.
Unless that person can get back to work quickly they will usually end up losing the home in a foreclosure.
If things don't get better from there filing bankruptcy will definitely be in their future.
When shopping for a home, choose something more budget friendly like a fixer-upper.
This way you can usually make it on one income and with the extra money you can fix it up as you go.
This allows you to budget your finances and cut back on other areas of life if you need to buy a new vehicle or something along those lines.
Remember, because your neighbor gets a new car doesn't mean you should get one also.
This surest way to never end up in foreclosure is to make sure you always pay your mortgage payment on time.
This is probably the most important bill that should be paid at the top your list.
If an unforeseen emergency happens work out something with your mortgage lender as most of them will allow you to miss a payment or two because of the situation.
If you don't do anything you'll start missing payments and get further and further behind and in such a deep hole you'll never get out.
When you get this far behind most of the time your credit cards won't be being paid either.
The only way out of this situation is to file for bankruptcy to try and protect any property that might be left.
When you're financially distressed, you should avoid borrowing money to pay your debts.
You should assess your property and see what valuables you might have that could be liquidated to help alleviate your financial trouble.
Sometimes selling a piece of property might end up keeping you out of a bankruptcy filing.
Always remember, it's a bad idea to borrow money to pay off debt.
Always exercise common sense when it comes to your financial matters and use restraint on all your decisions and this will give you a bright financial future.

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