Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Body pH - The Key to Cancer and Other Serious Diseases

If you have been diagnosed with a serious illness that is advancing, you may not have a lot of time to make adjustments in your lifestyle to save your life.
It is a very tough decision to go the chemo, radiation and surgery route.
If you ask most doctors if they would go the cut, poison and burn route if they were faced with cancer, a lot of them would say no.
There are many instances where people have changed their lifestyle, their diet and got more exercise, only to find their disease is in remission.
You should consult with your health care professional to see if what I am going to tell you will work for you.
I am not advocating you do this alone or that you make rash decisions.
Very strong factors that cause cancer are body acidity, toxicity, dehydration and low oxygen levels.
Usually they go hand in hand.
Lifestyle and diet contribute to most of the problems, although prescription medication can play a large part as well, as most 'drugs' are highly acidic forming in the body.
You can acquire toxins from foods, from water, from the air, the environment and your workplace.
You can even become toxic from using hair dyes and cosmetics, in addition to household cleaners, new carpets, paints and furniture.
Body acidity can also come about by simply not drinking enough water.
How you got in this condition is a result of lack of understanding of what happens to what goes in your mouth and what you can absorb through your skin.
After all, once it goes into your mouth, if it's not poisonous, it should be OK, right? Not necessarily.
Your blood and your brain are what keep you alive.
They both need to function within a very narrow range of pH.
If your pH slips out of that range your body tries to go through a checklist of drastic measures to return the pH to balance.
Over time, the body can exhaust itself trying to keep healthy and gradually the body becomes sick.
The acidity causes irritation and inflammation which becomes chronic.
The oxygen levels drop as the acidity rises.
Cancer grows very nicely in an acidic body, thank you very much.
Logically, then, if cancer grows in an acidic body is should stop in an alkaline body.
Right! By alkalizing the body, and keeping it that way, lumpy things stop growing and start shrinking.
In simple terms, alkaline foods, combined with alkaline, ionized water will reverse your acidic body condition and keep it like that as long as you eat and drink alkaline.
You can buy pH test strips for your saliva and your urine from a health food store.
Tear off a one inch strip, spit into a spoon and dip the end of the pH paper into the spoon.
Now compare the color of the test strip to the color on the package.
Your saliva pH should be no higher than 7.
Some medical practitioners say urine pH seems to be a more reliable test for overall body pH.
It should be no higher than 6.
9 pH.
Just eating alkaline foods takes much longer to swing the body pH into the neutral/alkaline range.
If you want to alkalize your body much faster and you don't have access to alkaline, ionized water you can boost your pH with several options.
You can get some food grade hydrogen peroxide (35%)and put 3 drops in a 12-ounce glass of water and take it three times a day.
Gradually work up to 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide three times a day.
Keep taking the hydrogen peroxide in water until your tests are normal.
To boost your pH you can also take a coral calcium, liquid calcium supplement or pH drops and put drops into your drinking water when you drink.
You should drink 1/2 to 3/4 of your body weight in ounces of clean alkaline water every day.
You should also use a transdermal magnesium with the calcium to help the calcium dissolve in solution and absorb into your body.
Another way to boost your pH in a hurry is to mix two parts of baking soda and one part of potassium bicarbonate.
Mix one teaspoon of this mixture into 12 ounces of water and drink it at bedtime.
In the morning, test your urine pH and if your pH is over 6.
0, continue to take this mixture at bedtime every night.
If your urine pH is still below 6.
0, mix 1 1/2 teaspoons of the bicarbonate mixture into 12 ounces of water and drink the mixture at bedtime.
Monitor your urine pH closely as it will gradually rise above 6.
0, at which point you should cut back on your bicarbonate mixture.
Please check with a qualified medical professional before beginning any self treatment.
Our society is starved for minerals.
Since most people don't eat a lot of organically grown vegetables they don't have a strong buffering system that kicks in to keep their body more on the alkaline side.
Their alkaline reserves are low enough that there is not enough to store for the next use.
Without adequate minerals in reserve, the body cannot compensate for excess acidity from the diet or metabolic processes.
The higher the acidity in the body, the higher the risk for cancer and other chronic diseases.
The buffering systems of the body use minerals to balance pH, notably, calcium and magnesium, in addition to sodium and potassium.
The body also uses large amounts of sulfur and phosphorus in metabolic processes.
Trace minerals are important in metabolic processes as well but they are used in smaller amounts.
By providing adequate alkaline buffers and alkaline, ionized water to your body you are providing it the proper tools to oxygenate and alkalize cells.
By do so consistently you are providing an ideal environment for cells to be as healthy as they can possibly be.
The best cure for cancer is prevention.
It cancer appears, it just takes a little bit more work to get rid of it, but why wait until it is on the doorstep to lock the door.
Use the keys of alkalinity and hydration to lock it out for good.

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