Family & Relationships Conflict

Working on Your Marriage - 4 Tips So You Can Fix Your Marriage

Having problems within your marriage but not yet ready to call it quits? Keeping a marriage healthy isn't always easy, it takes work! There are books and books on the subject of fixing a relationship that cover the gamut from making your partner insanely jealous (why would anyone ever want to do this?) to accepting ALL the blame and absolving your partner of any wrongdoing whatsoever.
Now this is only my opinion, but wouldn't making your partner jealous cause MORE problems within the marriage? And accepting ALL the blame for your marital problems? I'm all for taking personal responsibility for your actions, but it takes two to make a marriage work, not just one.
Let's aim for common sense advice here, folks, not some crazy stuff that just doesn't make sense at all.
Honesty - Honesty shouldn't be just a word used in a sentence, but is a basic, rock solid foundation you can build a strong relationship on.
Talking to each other with honesty and sincerity will ensure that your relationship fosters trust in each other.
With trust in your marriage, the lines of communication can be counted on to be stronger and more durable.
Acceptance - Acceptance isn't just agreeing on who does what chores or pays the bills.
Acceptance is the destination of a relationship where each partner KNOWS the other deep inside themselves.
Acceptance is not wanting to change the other person, but accepting that the past is what has shaped them to be WHO they are today.
Learn to love the person they are, not the person you wish them to be.
Responsibility - Take responsibility for yourself.
If each of you follows this one rule, the blame game shouldn't be happening every other day.
The responsibility issues may weigh heavier with one partner than the other, but it always takes two for a marriage to work and to NOT WORK.
True Love - Bottom line, folks, if you truly love each other, find a way to work it out.
"Make the time" to be together and enjoy each other.
Spend each day as if it was your last day together and you will be building a strong relationship that will win over the test of time.

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