Health & Medical Lose Weight

Obese? Did You Know That Kids Are 10 Times More Likely To Be Fat If Parents Are Overweight?

Obesity describes a bodily condition in which weight is greater than has been established to be necessary for the maintenance of good health.
Further, the accumulated weight is composed of a much higher percentage of fat than is healthy for us.
The obese person likely is dissatisfied with his or her appearance as well.
These conditions affect children (of fat parents) 10 times more than kids of (non-overweight parents).
Do you ever wonder if these non-overweight people know some secret that you don't know? Obesity and overweight are calculated in part by a measurement called BMI which stands for body mass index which evaluates the weight in view of one's height.
When the BMI is determined to be between 25 and 30, one is considered to be overweight.
If the BMI is greater than 30 an adult is diagnosed as being obese.
A BMI of 40 or beyond is called morbid obesity and typically means that the person has a hundred pounds or more to lose.
Genetic factors affect one's tendency toward weight gain as well as body structure.
Even more significant are environmental factors.
If parents are overweight their children are ten times more likely than their peers to be overweight.
Lifestyle habits also play a part...
frequent dining out, excessive portion sizes, sugary drinks, and junk food.
An occasional cause of modest excess weight (5-10 pounds) may be due to a chemical disorder or hormonal imbalance such as hypothyroidism.
Inadequate exercise and sedentary lifestyle contribute in large part to excess weight.
In addition to the BMI, the physician may do a test called measure skin fold to assess underlying fat.
He may do blood tests to eliminate bodily causes of overweight.
For example, underlying heart or kidney disease may cause weight gain in which event the weight is probably a result of water retention.
These condition are not common causes of excess weight.
So, you come out of the doctor's office with a diagnosis of overweight or even obesity.
Now what? Excess weight results from eating too much and exercising too little.
Both of these problems are relatively easy to deal with but one must be armed with a bit of self-discipline and reasonable expectations.
at all times...
that the weight did not accumulate suddenly nor is it going to disappear suddenly.
It collected one pound, one ounce, at a time and that is the only way it will go away.
Often well-intentioned folks attempt to lose in one month weight that has accumulated over ten years.
This will not work...
Crash diets may indeed show a fast loss of weight according to the scale.
This is most likely water loss that will be regained as soon as the diet is ended.
The only approach to healthful weight loss is a combination of reduced intake of "normal" foods and an exercise program that is workable with one's lifestyle.

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