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Information on Painting & Decorating

    Design Style

    • Design style classifies the theme of your design choices that are indicated in your decor, paint colors and furniture style. Traditional, contemporary, modern, country, art deco and eclectic are recognizable design styles. Furniture choices as well as paint color and paint texture are major components in the design style. Although there are certain design styles to choose from, you should not use these styles as a cookie cutter example of how to decorate your home. Use design styles for inspiration to create your ideal living space in combination with functionality based upon your lifestyle.

    Paint Color

    • Paint color and decorating go hand in hand. Paint color serves as the backdrop of all design styles and decor. For example, bright colors are more indicative of eclectic and art deco design styles--more so than that of traditional or country design styles. However, color does not secure your decorating style; it can enhance it or drown it. Therefore, it is important to choose colors that speak to you. According to Caren Baginski of HGTV.com, most people do not wear red from head to toe in their day-to-day lives, so why do this to your walls? Look at your wardrobe for inspiration. This concept is ideal for those who would like to add color to a room with paint without going overboard.

    Painting Techniques

    • Examples of painting techniques include antiquing, color washing, sponging, crackling, glazing and distressing. For instance, if you are looking to create a room with old world charm, crackling or distressing the walls will give the room a hint of subtle old-world whimsy. Additionally, these painting techniques are not limited to your walls, but they can also be performed on furniture as well.

    Painting Tools

    • Painting tools are fundamental for obtaining a good finish to both walls and furniture. Invest in good brushes for traditional painting. Other types of painting techniques require different painting tools. For example, sponging utilizes traditional paint rollers, brushes and painting sponges. Mural paintings require brushes similar to art painting brushes for fine lines. More importantly are utensils like sandpaper, plaster and paint stripper. These items are good for filing down lumps and correcting mistakes.


    • Decor adds the final touch to living spaces. Decor comes in the form of decorative pillows, vases, throws, candles, lamps and art. In essence, these accessories bring color and charm to a room.

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