Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Top 8 Pool Maintenance Tips

So you have a new pool? Or maybe you have moved house and inherited a pool. Pools can be an amazing luxury item that provides months of fun in the sun and exercise, but they can also create major issues when not maintained properly. Local Sydney Pool Builder Xzibit Pools and Spas is here to give you their top 10 tips for pool maintenance!
  1. Skim Debris and Clean out Baskets – once every few days get your pool scoop and take out any leaves sticks and other debris then empty the filter basket. This will go a long way to keeping your pool healthy
  2. Vacuum the pool and brush the walls – once a week this step should be done, with an automatic vacuum you don't even have to get out of bed to do it! Brushing the walls and tiles will help minimise algae and calcium build ups before they become a problem.
  3. Clean the pool filter – whilst each type of pool filter requires a different maintenance schedule, cleaning it at the correct intervals will go a long way for the health of your pool
  4. Professionally Service the Heater – obviously this is only relevant if you have a heated pool, but getting a professional to service the heater will add years to the life of the heater and enable you to prolong the life of the pool
  5. Check and Maintain Water Level – water gets lost from evaporation, splashing diving and just everyday use, make sure your water level is always above the level of your skimmer
  6. Monitor the pH level – this can be done by purchasing pH testing kits, the optimum level is between 7.2 and 7.8 which is safe for swimmers and allows sanitizers to work at their optimum efficiency.  
  7. Superchlorination – whilst it may seem counter intuitive, the smell that most people associate with chlorine is actually due to a reaction between the chlorine in the pool and ammonia and nitrogen build ups which occur naturally. The best way to treat this is to shock the pool by superchlorination. Some pools will need to be shocked weekly others can go months, follow your manufactures guidelines.  
  8. The bucket test – discover leaks by filling a bucket with water and marking the water level on the inside of the bucket, then float the bucket in the pool for a few days, if the water level in the bucket and the water In the pool have dropped the same amount, you are fine. But if the water level in the pool has dropped more than the bucket, you have a leak, you will need to call a professional to have it patched

By using these steps, you will ensure you have a healthy, clean pool all year round 

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