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Whole House Water Filters - Do We Need Them?

With whole house water filters, you don't have to be selective.
You can get safe water from any faucet in your house, as long as you choose the right whole house water filter.
There are many on the market and there are many good reasons to have them, but, as with all consumer products, the quality varies.
One reason that many people choose whole house water filters is so that they can have one system instead of many.
Instead of having to buy a kitchen filter, a shower filter and a filter for the bathroom faucet, they buy only the whole house water filter and they know that they are safe.
Whole house water filters also keep your pipes clean.
The pipes in your house run filtered and clean water with no sediments, thus they remain like new with hardly any deterioration.
When your pipes run clean they last longer.
Visits from the plumber may be nearly eliminated.
This is one way that a filter saves you money.
The only disadvantage, if you can call it that, is that the pre-filters in the high quality filters need to be changed every 3 or 4 months.
It is a small disadvantage compared to the benefits.
Particularly when you consider that most kitchen tap filters must be replaced at the same rate and shower filters have a similar lifespan.
The best whole house water filter that we have seen has a pre-filter and a main filter.
The pre-filter takes the brunt of the items that need to be filtered out.
The main filter of the whole house filters catches the rest.
The main filter will last three or four years, depending on the size of your family and the quantity of water that you use every day.
Only the pre-filters need to be changed fairly often and they are reasonably priced.
It is good to remember to change the pre-filters of your filter system, because it is the pre-filter that does most of the work to keep you safe.
The EPA has named the main filter of our preferred whole house water filters as "The best technology" they have ever seen.
They recognize what it took to build it, and pronounce it the most valuable.
In the main filter chlorine is transformed into a harmless substance.
Chlorine can be bad for your health.
The right whole house water filter will eliminate it from your drinking water so you do not have to worry about it anymore.
You will never have to shower in chlorinated water again.
Besides chlorine, don't forget that there are a number of pesticides in our water today.
They steep in from the soil and stay in our water.
The right whole house water filter can get rid of them.
High quality whole house water filters give you the satisfaction of knowing that your water is clean and pesticide free.
Your kids are safe today and there is less risk of health problems in the future.
It costs only about 50c a day to run the whole house water filter that we prefer.
The company has made the whole process easier by removing the one drawback that it had.
All filters that need changing are mailed to your house, so you do not have to remember.
When they arrive you change them.
It's as simple as that.
An investment in whole house water filters could be an investment in better health, as long as you choose the right one.

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