Health & Medical Women's Health

Seeking Relief From Post Syndrome - Andrea"s Story About Tubal Ligation Side Effects

Are you suffering from tubal ligation side effects? If so, perhaps you would be interested in hearing a story about a woman who went through several of the 46 or so symptoms that are associated with this post syndrome and how she overcame them.
This is the story of Andrea from Idaho.
At the time of her tubal ligation, she was 28 and had just had her 4th child, a daughter, via a planned c-section.
Although her doctor was against her having the operation and her husband cautioned against it, Andrea went ahead.
Very quickly Andrea starting suffering different symptoms.
She soon kept a journal of each new tubal ligation side effect as it appeared.
Just a few of the things she suffered were extremely dry skin, spotting throughout her cycle outside her period, and cluster headaches several times a month.
She also had such heavy blood flow during her periods that her doctor feared she had menstrual anemia.
It was so bad, it affected her normal activities including going to church.
Not to mention that the pain, which she had not had before, was enough to bring this woman with a high pain threshold to tears.
Like many women suffering from post syndrome, there were other symptoms as well.
Andrea turned to her doctors only to learn that this is not unusual in women who have their tubes tied.
Sure would be nice if the doctors would mention that before the operation.
Her family doctor spoke of having heard of numerous cases of severe post tubal problems.
She received the blessings of her doctor to pursue a tubal reversal as a means of alleviating her symptoms and to do away with her tubal regrets.
First, Andrea had undergone several tests just to rule out all the other usual suspects such as endometriosis, cancer or cysts.
With a clean bill of health, she began her search for a tubal reversal doctor.
Although many performed the operation in her region, even going so far as Seattle, Andrea was uncomfortable with them as none could produce their own post syndrome statistics and tubal reversal success rates.
Beyond that, she was quoted around $12,000 for the operation which was not covered by her health insurance.
That is the situation for most women wanting a tubal reversal whether due to tubal ligation side effects or to have another child.
In the end she found a tubal reversal doctor at the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center for a much better price, even including the air fare and hotel room for two nights.
Not only that, but she had one of the foremost tubal reversal specialists in the world as her surgeon.
Since her operation in July, 2008, Andrea has had many of her tubal ligation side effects lessen or just disappear like her headaches.
Within two months, this 31 year old mom of four became pregnant again.
That just shows the tubal reversal was a complete success.

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