Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Let"s Talk About the Feet

How many pair of shoes have you ever used? How many of them have you ever worn down for overuse? Do you work carrying heavy objects? Do you jog? Do you walk too much? Remember: Every time you take a step your feet supports all your weight.
as you can see...
the feet are the part of our bodies that live under permanent stress and pressure.
You can wear down dozens pairs of shoes in a lifetime, however, you will always have the same pair of feet, it tells us how resistant they are to stress and work, but that does not mean they don't suffer from them...
it is why when they do that the whole body suffers the consequences.
The feet are the first link of the human's body chain; if they are weak the entire chain becomes unstable.
You may be suffering fromshoulder or lumbar pain, headaches, body asymmetry but what you may never guess is that it is because your feet are suffering.
All the movement starts in your feet and that is why it is extremely important to take care of: 1- How you walk.
2- How to balance your base of support.
3- How to relax you feet.
Let's focus now on the third point now: To relax your feet it is extremely important o learn how to provide a very good foot massage.
It will relax the entire body.
A foot massage is could be very painful at first due to the presence of little muscles contracture and spasm, but don't be scared, that is normal, the person receiving the massage will soon relax and thank you.
There are several massage methods nowadays in the market that will teach you how to relax your feet.
Let's mention just a few: Hydrotherapy: It involves the use of water for soothing pains and treating diseases.
It could be using water pressure in the plantar area, bubble bath with lotions and oil to smooth the skin and by reflex the entire foot.
Reflexology: that is a complementary therapy which works on the feet to help and heal congestion in other 'related' parts of the body.
Swedish Massage is one of the most basic techniques that are taught to professional massage therapists.
The focus of Swedish massage is general relaxation, stimulation of circulation, enhancing muscle tone and is also therapeutic in reducing muscle tightness.
Read more about foot massage..

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