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Windmill Energy - An Alternative to Expensive Electricity

Current energy consumption is unsustainable.
It's bad for the planet and bad for the pocket.
People are turning to cheaper, renewable forms of energy.
There are alternatives, but you need to do your homework to uncover these other options.
One of these energy alternatives is residential windmills.
When I first heard of the idea of installing windmills in the garden to produce electricity, I thought it was a strange notion.
My image of windmills was of huge structures in countries like Holland or in films like Moulin Rouge.
However, the idea of windmills is currently being revolutionized to serve a very important purpose.
Energy bills are on the rise, the planet is running out of natural resources, and the damage of traditional energy sources is starting to emerge.
Residential windmills are surprisingly cheap to build and install.
They come in various sizes, starting with portable models.
The difficult part is finding out what's required and instructions on how to build a windmill generator.
Like anything, if you look hard enough, you will find solutions.
It's easy to create your own energy producing windmill for as little as $200.
The amount of electricity produced by windmills depends on how windy your area is.
One smart way to take advantage of renewable energy, is to use windmills in conjunction with solar panels - the windmills producing electricity in windy, dull conditions and solar panels producing electricity when it's sunny, with less wind.
Reducing your energy costs is a start.
However, if you produce extra electricity, many energy supply companies will actually BUY your excess electricity.
How good is that! Instead of paying for energy, you could reverse the situation, and make some money.

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