Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Successful Article Submission and Marketing Made Easy

The great majority of internet marketeers often ignore the power of article submission and marketing, much to their own personal cost.
Many don't understand the power of using articles to earn a lucrative living.
Article submission and marketing has been, and still is, a very powerful tool for achieving awesome traffic, solid SEO and an ultimately spectacular and steady stream of revenue.
As with any internet marketing activity, it is most important to understand the correct "technique" to use if you wish to realize the full potential of article submission and marketing.
The key elements article submission and marketing are to master the title, first paragraph, the body, the resource box and finally your website.
Let's address each of these key elements one by one, with an explanation of what it is that you need to achieve to for successful article submission and marketing campaigns.
Let's begin with the article title.
With the article title you need to grab the attention of your reader and the search engines.
Make sure that your article title has punch and also contains the key words that you are promoting.
Try and keep your article title to just a few words with a compelling hook.
Next is the opening paragraph.
Research has shown that people tend to "skim" through articles and will generally read the title and the opening paragraph.
You need to compel the reader to read on.
The opening paragraph is an introduction, and somewhat of a summary of what you are going to say in your article.
Be careful not to make your opening paragraph sound too much like a sales pitch.
Article readers are wanting to be informed and have developed a strong resistance to articles that come across as an obvious sales pitch.
Steer clear of outlandish or over the top claims.
Keep it simple and honest.
Hopefully your readers are still interested after reading your opening paragraph and will move on to the article body.
This is the meat in your article's sandwich.
It contains the vital and compelling information that you audience has come to find.
Ensure that the body flows and has a good sprinkling of your targeted keywords.
After honing your article body, you are ready to summarise and conclude your article.
The resource box that is included in any reputable article directory is the perfect place to summarise your points and encourage your readers to click on one of your hyperlinks to your website and purchase the product or service you are selling.
Don't exaggerate or "over-pitch" your message.
Simply insert an incentive or teaser that will encourage your reader to click your link and find out more.
Finally, the reader has hopefully arrived at your website.
Ensure that your website can convert any article traffic that comes its way.
Website design and optimization are a whole different beast, which you have hopefully mastered.
In summary, if a reader has reached this point in your article, then there is a very strong possibility that you have converted that reader to a lifelong customer.
An effective technique to adopt is to imagine that you are speaking to a group of friends and are simply wanting to explain the features and benefits of the message that you are trying to get across.
Treat your readers with respect and they will often return the favour by purchasing the goods or services that you are selling.

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