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Beijo Income Secrets: How To Be A Beijo Top Earner

Beijo success seekers: Want to dominate and build a HUGE business?

If you seek to become a top earner, it's vital you get way beyond merely talking to colleagues, associates, family and friends about your business..

You've got to learn to acquire customers and business partners the way nearly all legitimate businesses do: through marketing!

Here are 3 strategies 7-figure income earners use to build network marketing empires today:

- Start A Business Blog

Creating and promoting a blog is one of the best ways to generate free leads. Blogs are basic websites that permit you to easily publish articles and other content you generate. Create the content yourself or outsource content creation to a professional writer. Outsourcing costs about $5-$15 per article.

A free platform for blogging that's extremely well know is Wordpress. Virtually anyone can set up a Wordpress blog because it requires no technical knowledge. A blog can help your Beijo succeed:

- Increase Your Influence: Publish blog content with strategies and systems readers can use to grow their network marketing businesses. By teaching (instead of selling all the time), you will stand out as an expert. A sizeable percentage of your audience will start to think of you as a mentor, not a salesperson. A portion of your readers will want to become a part of your Beijo opportunity.

- Free Visitors To Your Blog: If you promote your blog correctly, your content will attract other network marketers to your blog. Twitter, Facebook and Youtube are all places where you can get website visitors to your blog.. There's a high correlation between the amount of traffic your blog receives, and the number of leads it generates daily.

- Free Leads: On your blog offer a free training, such as a downloadable report or boot camp video series. People must provide their name, email and phone in order to get the free bonus. That turns your blog into a lead generation device.

Put content on your blog extremely frequently. Make sure your content is valuable and not filler. Create a blog to generate leads for your business automatically.

- Grow Your Belief Level

To succeed in Beijo, you need to have very strong beliefs in four key areas. For starters, you've got to have a lot of belief in yourself. Don't let anyone tell you you're going to fail. You are the one who decides what heights you're going to achieve. Get into action and your self esteem and belief will grow.

You've also got to maintain a high belief level in your product line. It's impossible to successfully sell a product line you don't believe in. Make us of the products. Get direct hands-on experience using all the products. Try to use your company's products day in and day out. Establish yourself in an opportunity where you feel really good about the product line.

Third, you must have strong belief in the quality of the Beijo opportunity. It's important you're in a company where you feel great about the comp plan. management team and company mission. Be at your company events. Get to know your upline and other leaders.

A fourth factor is belief in your success plan. Do you have mentors that have succeeded in Beijo following the same strategies you intend to pursue?

- Attract Prospects To You

Most Beijo reps are taught to make a list of folks they know and approach these people about their opportunity. This is an easy method, but you're going to run out of people to approach in a few weeks.

Marketers start chasing after people at events, in stores, and at restaurants to try to get them into their business. You're not going to make real money by running around chasing after total strangers. Virtually none of the random people you meet will have the fortitude, skills and detemrination required to succeed in Beijo.

So never chase after people to join Beijo. Attract prospects to you online who are eager to join your Beijo business. Attracting prospects, instead of approaching these people, has tremendous benefits:

- Much higher conversion rates into your opportunity. You'll make a lot more money for your investment of time.

- You'll earn a lot more in your business because you can sponsor a lot more reps.

- You work with people who are eager, not deadbeats you've chased into the business.

To attract prospects on the Internet, you must tweak how you position yourself. Stop approaching individuals as a network marketer trying to add individuals to your business. Be someone who teaches others how to grow their MLM, regardless what compoany they represent.

Publish a blog with articles and videos that show networkers sales and marketing tactics. Some of these people will regard you as a leader and ask to join your organization.

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