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Wall Monograms Can Personalize A Room

If you have a teenager who is ready to decorate her own room, you can really make it a fun project to do together.
By working with your daughter as a friend rather than just as the mom, you can have a great bonding experience and really get to know her personality.
You will have fun shopping together for all the different things that will make up the overall décor of the room.
As you look for different elements, don't forget to look at wall monograms.
Wall monograms can really show off your teen's personal style.
They can be very fun to work with and there are many options out there.
The nice thing is that they can be totally customized.
There are hundreds of fonts to choose from and many colors and sizes to work with as well.
If your teen tends towards a serious personality, then she may prefer a monogram that is more formal in style and may want to use black lettering.
If she is more carefree and fun-loving, then she will probably choose something that is more stylized and funky as far as letter style and may wish to go with her favorite color.
It is nice to know that vinyl wall monograms are relatively inexpensive and are easy to apply.
Your teen can easily place the monogram exactly where she wants it.
You will also be glad that they don't damage walls, so when she moves out to go to college, you will be able to remove it just as easily.

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