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MPB Today - An MLM Review

MPB Today - why should you read this MLM review over another? Excellent question.
If you're researching MPB Today reviews, then it seems logical that you're searching for mpbtoday.
com information that is useful, honest, and unbiased, correct? Well if that's the case, then you've come to the right review.
This MLM review of MPB Today will focus specifically on the 4 characteristics that every MLM program should have for the best opportunity to achieve long term success, for you AND the MLM company.
These are the 4 characteristics: an already very big and still growing market, a really stand out or one-of-a-kind product or service that is preferably consumable, the right timing in regards to the current economy, and provide you with the essential leverage that you need in order to earn an amazing MLM income.
At the original writing of this MLM review, after doing a great deal of research on this MLM program, I was not in any way affiliated with MPB Today.
However, I must include this caveat here in order to protect the honesty and integrity of this MPB Today review.
Even though it's true that I'm not involved with this MLM company at the time of this writing, because of what I've uncovered in my investigation for this review, I'm fairly sure I will be up to my knickers in my affiliation with MPBToday.
com by the time you are reading this MPB review.
Let's examine how MPB Today (which stands for My Premier Business Today) measures up with respect to the 4 characteristics for a profitable network marketing MLM home business.
And we'll start this MPB Today review with a look at characteristic #1, the market.
As I mentioned above, we want our MLM program to have a really big and still growing market.
MPB Today has partnered with a grocery delivery service company located in Pensacola, FL called Southeastern Delivery.
Groceries and grocery delivery probably don't sound very glamorous to you, but in point of fact, right now it is a billion dollar industry.
Even more importantly, it's predicted to grow to 80+ billion in the next 5 to 10 years.
I think you'd have to call that a truly growing market.
So why is such a large market expansion predicted? Two words: "Baby Boomers.
" As you're probably already aware, this is a huge group of individuals born between 1946 and 1964, and there are more than a billion of these Boomers throughout the world.
Experts say this group has been the driving force responsible for the extraordinary growth of every trend they've moved through, starting with Gerber baby food, right on up through Mattel Toys, moving on to McDonalds, and then hitting the Real Estate market.
And at present, as this group is progressing into their 50's, their major concerns are switching to health and fitness, beauty and pre-mature aging, retirement, financial security and other related issues, including the delivery of daily necessities, aka groceries.
A growing market -- ya think so? Characteristic #2 in this MPB Today review is a really stand out or one-of-a-kind product or service that we would really like to be consumable.
How does MPB Today measure up in this area? Well there's no disputing that groceries are consumable.
But the really stand out quality and what appears to be the true beauty of MPBToday.
com becomes evident in the MLM home business opportunity itself.
Without digging into this subject too deeply here, seeing that it's not really the focus of this MLM review, let's just sneak a quick peek at that stand out quality of the groceries in this MLM opportunity.
When you enroll in MPB Today, you have a one-time out-of-pocket expense of $210, for which you receive a $200 voucher for groceries along with a company replicated website in return.
You now have the option to use your grocery voucher immediately, and pay the shipping charges yourself, or you can wait until you sponsor your first two people and your first matrix of 6 people has been filled (no matter where the other 4 people come from).
When you reach this point (called cycling), you have the option to either redeem your $200 grocery voucher, only now with free shipping, or choose to exchange it for a $200 gift card from Sam's Club or Walmart, receive your $100 check from MPBToday.
com, and with the additional $200 you earned, be automatically entered into the next cycle, following your sponsor.
It's important to mention here that there is NO autoship with this MLM program in order to qualify for commissions or to remain "active," and you will never be required to come out-of-pocket again to keep earning MLM income with MPB Today.
This fact in itself is wonderfully unique to this industry.
The right timing in regards to the current economy is #3 on our list of characteristics for a successful MLM program, and the next point in our MLM review of MPB Today.
This time I'm not talking about the timing of being positioned in front of the next popular trends of the Baby Boomers, which we've already covered.
Instead, we're going to look at how MPB Today fits in with today's current economic climate.
We all know that times are pretty tight and the future is very uncertain for a lot of people today.
And there doesn't seem to be much hope for any sort of real, lasting relief in the foreseeable future either.
So as those trend setting Baby Boomers are rapidly approaching their 50's, the issue of their financial future and their uncertainty about it continues to be an increasingly growing concern.
And as a result, an ever increasing number of people are searching for an alternative solution for their retirement and financial security.
For this reason, the timing would appear to be excellent for the kind of plan that MPB Today is offering.
Characteristic #4 in this MPB Today review focuses on the leverage you can get with the MPBToday.
If you get the opportunity to take a closer look at MPB Today's compensation plan, I would urge you to do just that.
I believe you'll discover that it's designed to compensate very generously those who put in even a small amount of effort, with greater effort resulting in greater the rewards.
As with any successful MLM program with a well constructed compensation plan, you can most certainly exceed the level of your sponsor if you're putting in more effort and getting more results.
But in addition, if they're really active in your MPB Today business, it will be even more to your benefit.
The emphasis with this MLM marketing model is on your ability to invest a small amount of your personal time, and then leverage the personal time of your team.
Let me create an image for you here, because if you're new to the network marketing industry, and you aren't really familiar with the concept of leverage, than this will undoubtedly grab your attention in a hurry.
If you were literally able to work 24 hours a day for an entire year, you'd rack up 8,760 hours by the end of that year.
Now let's envision a scenario where you've been really busting butt building your MPBToday.
com business, or any reputable MLM home business, and you're able to build an organization of about 10 thousand people (which is really a conservative number for successful MLM business builders.
) If each individual in your MLM home business downline put in only one hour for an entire year, you would actually get paid on the 10 thousand hours of work of your team instead of just your own 8,760 hours that you put in all by yourself.
Now I grant you that 1 hour/year is not going to yield much, but it sure gives you a terrific image of how leverage works and how super powerful it really is! Okay, it's time to wrap up this MPB Today review, and share the conclusions we came to in this MLM review.
I think you'd have to agree that MPBToday.
com has all 4 of our characteristics in spades, and therefore passes with flying colors.
I will state here that the only real drawback and the one characteristic that some may also consider when examining an MLM program, is the amount of time that MPB Today has been in business.
This MLM company and their partnership with Southeastern Delivery are still pretty new.
But if you take into consideration the experienced leadership of both MPBToday.
com and Southeastern Delivery, along with the fact that the company excels in the 4 required characteristics, as well as having the additional benefit of the minimal one-time investment, I'd still have to give the MPB Today opportunity a solid Thumbs Up as an MLM home business opportunity.
I'll add one more note here as I zip this up because I believe this is very important for anyone researching an MLM program because they're considering starting their own MLM home business.
You must remember that no matter how amazing you think an MLM program is, whether you're looking at MPB Today or another reputable MLM company, that fact alone is not enough to provide you with what you need to successfully build your business.
It's a fact that approximately 97% of network marketers fail, so you still need to master the necessary skill sets that the top industry earners have mastered if you want to join them by reaching the top level in your MLM program.
And to do this requires that you have access to ongoing education and training along with the right tools.
Obviously, the best place to find what you need all in one place would be a generic marketing system.
So while you're doing your research on MPB Today and whatever other MLM programs you're looking into, make sure you take the time to find the best possible system out there so that you will have the best chance to hit the ground running and reach your goals quickly.

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