Health & Medical Depression

St.John"s Wort - Natures Most Potent Anti-depressant

A potent natural cure for depression is provided by St John's Wort and it has been used for centuries to treat depression.
Let's look at its history and potency.
-John's-wort, is a European herbaceous or shrubby planet of the genus Hypericum of the family Hypericaceae.
The plant is unmistakable and is usually found in wet, open spaces with bright yellow flowers and dotted leaves.
Historically (as were many pre-Christian customs and symbols).
John's Wort was connected with the pagan sun god Balder.
After the pagan downfall,Baldur's Day became St.
John's Day, and the plant was re-named after the saint St.
Traditionally, people believed the plant warded off evil spirits and thunderbolts and took it to keep these at bay.
Our ancestors were well aware ofitspowers as a healing herb and St.
-John's-wort was widely used for treating wounds due to its antiseptic qualities.
Today, St.
John's Wort is popular as a herbal cure for mild depression after a number of recent tests proved its affect on our moods.
John's Wort as a Medicine Ancient civilisations found that St John's Wort had several uses aprt form treating depression and these included: As a general antiseptic, an anti-inflammatory agent, as an astringent.
It was, and still is, also used as a medicinal tea.
There is now Hypericum extract which is widely used as an anti-depressant.
John's Wort is aloe popular in homeopathy.
In Germany, Hypericum is widely prescribed by physicians for mild depression, and is just as popular as prescription anti-depressants.
Scientific Verification In study after study, St.
John's Wort (Hypericum) has proven effective when compared to a placebo for treating mild to severe depression.
Other studies found that not only is Hypericum effective when compared to placebos, it is also effective when compared totricyclic anti drepssants.
The Pharmacology of Hypericum It is now widely believed that St.
John's wort works by helping the realise of Serotonin (5-HT) just like conventional antidepressants.
Additionally, Hyperforin (an active ingredient of Hypericum) has excellent antibacterial properties; even killing methicillin-resistant forms of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Its antiseptic qualities are unquestioned.
Suggested Doses There are recommended dosages for various forms of St John's Wort as stated by the British Herbal Medicine.
Dried herb: 2-4 g or by infusion three times daily Liquid extract 2-4 mL (1:1 in 25% alcohols) three times daily Tincture 2-4mL (1:10 in 45% alcohol) three times daily Note : Hypericum, like other antidepressants, must be taken for at least four weeks before its real effectiveness can take affect.
Contraindications Although St John's wort can be safely taken by most people, it does have some side-effects for a minority of users.
These include: Gastrointestinal symptoms, confusion, dizziness and tiredness.
In some cases, St John's wort can cause photosensitivity and even problems with fertility, but these arevery rare.
Finally Hypericum can react with other drugs, so before taking it (if you are on other drugs and medications) you should consult your doctor.

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