Health & Medical Women's Health

Can Candida Also Cause Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

Is there a chance that Candida also causes Polycystic Ovary Syndrome? This question has just arrived at my inbox from a friend of mine, Deborah.
She was diagnosed with that in couple weeks ago.
Well in my opinion, polycystic ovary syndrome is indirectly related to candida.
The conclusion comes based on several experiences I have got from a friend.
Let me tell you the story about Allison.
Almost a year ago she went to the gyno because her period had stopped for a couple of months (she was not pregnant).
The gyno said that she had "polycystic ovaries" and prescribed birth control pills.
She took them for a few months and her period was "regular.
" However, since she stopped the pill a month ago, her period has been on schedule and usually cramp-free (whereas for most of her life it was very irregular and painful).
So she doesn't think her ovaries are polycystic, it was simply the difference in her diet that allowed her period to function normally (eating wholesome food and supplementing with flaxseed and primrose oils, as opposed to most of her life, binging on sugar and junk food which can totally throw your hormones out of whack, candida or no candida).
Anyway, she thanks to the supposedly polycystic ovaries, she took the Pill (without realizing all of its negative effects) and it must have been the straw that broke the camel's back, she got a raging yeast infection that she has been fighting for almost a year! But, without that yeast infection, she would not have connected any other symptoms like the depression, brain fog, fatigue, skin problems, as candida, so in a way, what hurt her has helped her also.

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