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How to Hang Swag Curtains With Knots at Corners

    • 1). Drape the swag across the length of the curtain rod and line it up so that there is the same amount of material on both sides.

    • 2). Carefully gather one side of the material and make a loose knot around the end of the curtain rod. Make sure the fall of material from the knot is in the front.

    • 3). Gather the material on the other side and make a similar knot on the other end of the curtain rod. With this second knot, compensate for any difference in the length of the hanging material by making your knot looser or by wrapping the material around the rod once. Again, make sure the fall of material is on the front.

    • 4). Adjust the material on the ends as needed and make sure the amount of curtain rod sticking out on each end is even. Arrange the material looped in between the knots so that it hangs aesthetically.

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