How to Spread a Positive Outlook on Life
It's Friday.
You come home from a long day, long week at work.
Two days off to regenerate and spend some relaxing time with the people you love.
While fixing something to eat, you turn on the news; national or local, it doesn't really matter.
One after another, you are bombarded with stories of grief, pain, inhumanity, all complete with gory detail.
How are you feeling after that simple half hour of your time? Angry? Depressed? Helpless? Disgusted with your fellow humans? Most likely.
Or does it inspire you to do something to change things? Perhaps, for a moment, and then it gets buried under all your more pressing, personal issues, right? Or instead, on this Friday evening, you turn on some beautiful music and gather with those you love to break bread and share stories of all that was right in our world this week; how small, simple choices made a positive impact.
An evening of stories filled with humor, insight, accomplishment, inspiration, all also complete with magnificent detail.
How are you feeling this time? Chances are if you told others about your experience helping a stranded woman change a flat tire, you feel utterly wonderful, doubly when you know that the woman you helped probably felt quite grateful as well.
You may be awed and inspired by others' relegation of their adventures this past week.
Does this make you want to go out and change the world? Absolutely.
Not only that, but you now have first-hand experience with how it can be done, by each one of us every day, one act of kindness at a time.
It wasn't hard, but it was infinitely rewarding.
The more you share positive acts and ideas with others, the easier it becomes.
You will start to naturally see opportunities to help others with no expectations.
You will also begin to notice that good things will be coming back to you, just pay attention.
That is the funny thing about each scenario; they both tend to multiply the sentiment based on the amount of people involved and the time invested in them.
Which would you rather experience more of, the negative or the positive? What is your plan then, to combat the awful news we are inundated with regularly? One day, one person, one act at a time is a great start.
And share it with others, because therein lies the seed of hope.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
" Margaret Mead
You come home from a long day, long week at work.
Two days off to regenerate and spend some relaxing time with the people you love.
While fixing something to eat, you turn on the news; national or local, it doesn't really matter.
One after another, you are bombarded with stories of grief, pain, inhumanity, all complete with gory detail.
How are you feeling after that simple half hour of your time? Angry? Depressed? Helpless? Disgusted with your fellow humans? Most likely.
Or does it inspire you to do something to change things? Perhaps, for a moment, and then it gets buried under all your more pressing, personal issues, right? Or instead, on this Friday evening, you turn on some beautiful music and gather with those you love to break bread and share stories of all that was right in our world this week; how small, simple choices made a positive impact.
An evening of stories filled with humor, insight, accomplishment, inspiration, all also complete with magnificent detail.
How are you feeling this time? Chances are if you told others about your experience helping a stranded woman change a flat tire, you feel utterly wonderful, doubly when you know that the woman you helped probably felt quite grateful as well.
You may be awed and inspired by others' relegation of their adventures this past week.
Does this make you want to go out and change the world? Absolutely.
Not only that, but you now have first-hand experience with how it can be done, by each one of us every day, one act of kindness at a time.
It wasn't hard, but it was infinitely rewarding.
The more you share positive acts and ideas with others, the easier it becomes.
You will start to naturally see opportunities to help others with no expectations.
You will also begin to notice that good things will be coming back to you, just pay attention.
That is the funny thing about each scenario; they both tend to multiply the sentiment based on the amount of people involved and the time invested in them.
Which would you rather experience more of, the negative or the positive? What is your plan then, to combat the awful news we are inundated with regularly? One day, one person, one act at a time is a great start.
And share it with others, because therein lies the seed of hope.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
" Margaret Mead