Health & Medical Yoga

Yoga for Beginners - Start With Some Easy Postures

The practice of yoga is an excellent regime for health aficionados.
Comfortable loose clothing and a yoga mat are the only essentials you require to commence your yoga classes.
For convenience of commuting, select a yoga class near your home, and ensure that the teacher is one of repute.
Now select the kind of yoga and go for the basics.
Start with some easy postures or Asanas that will encourage you to continue.
All the simple postures of yoga relate to the activities in our everyday life-like sitting, standing, lying down in diverse positions, but in an orderly way, that provides great benefits to beginners.
Even medical practitioners are recommending yoga's integration to daily life for its great therapeutic values.
Beginners will soon start realizing the health benefits of yoga after sometime.
A beginner would do well to choose a restrained style of yoga, and Kripalu yoga (Iyengar yoga), or Viniyoga could very well serve the purpose.
Later on, as you progress you can graduate into power yoga or Ashtanga yoga, which could prove too difficult for beginners.
Beginners would do well to begin with a 10 to 15 minute loosening up session to increase blood circulation and enhance lubrication and flexibility of the joints.
The body is now ready for the various yoga Asanas.
Maintaining an erect posture throughout is a basic requirement in the practice of yoga.
Breathing exercises are a vital part of yoga practice for beginners.
Kapalbhati, Pranayama, and Anuloma-Viloma are important breathing exercises in yoga that contribute to increasing lung capacity and improvement in the breathing pattern.
These exercises, if done properly are stress-busters.
A basic knowledge of yoga etiquette is helpful to all beginners.
They can tap their teachers or their advanced student colleagues, to teach them the basics and some simple yoga postures.
A beginner could start with easy postures like the standing or sitting poses, twist, supine, prone, inverted or balance postures along with back bends and finishing postures.
It is important to inform your yoga instructor that you are new to yoga, and request him for special help in the beginning.
You would do well to start with a fresh bath before your yoga sessions and end with shavasana.
Have your meals 3 to 4 hours before the class and do not eat heavily.
Drink some water before your class and wear loose clothing for yoga.
Remember at all times that Yoga has nothing to do with religion.

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