A Gemini Full Moon and a Sagittarian Venus Are Setting a Feminine Tone For the Christmas Spirit
Even if Thanksgiving is over I still feel as if it is a special time of the year and somehow holidays.
And it is! The year is nearing towards its end; Christmas is almost there and we have to decide how we want to spend that time.
Christmas is always the best with children and I remember fondly my childhood Christmases with my family.
They would be the baking of cookies and the preparation of handcrafted gifts for my parents.
I remember evenings with candle light and Christmas music.
Maybe we do not need to spend big money to make it a memorable time and we can get creative in how to create something special for our family.
With the economical challenges we are facing there is definitely an incentive given for creating new rituals and ways to celebrate without spending a fortune.
This article is centered on the feminine with the Full Moon opposing Sun in Sagittarius joined by a wide opposition of Venus.
It has been originally written as a weekly forecast for the beginning of December but I believe you will also find value in this discussion if you just want to find out more about the planets in their respective signs.
Full Moon in Gemini The Moon is representing the principles of life and life sustaining nourishment, the archetypal mother and child.
The Moon is how we feel and perceive life.
It is our emotional filter and inner ground we stand on.
The Moon in our personal charts is indicating what we need to feel safe and comfortable and gives insights into our family dynamics in our family of origin.
The Full Moon is at her fullest power and extension and is accompanied by a high level of awareness with the opposing Sun giving the fullest light of consciousness.
Full Moons keep my cats out all night on important cat business and might gift me with more restless nights.
Statistically there is a higher rate of drunk driving and brawls in the bars which doesn't seem to be in alignment with a higher consciousness.
But maybe we use those measures to insure we don't feel or see too much about ourselves.
Not everybody values more clarity and exposure of unconscious inner material to surface and we all have a personal way to navigate the currents of life.
Full Moon in Gemini has a high flexibility and is more mentally colored then in other signs.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury and is an air sign.
We feel curious, adventurous and like mental inspiration, exchange of new ideas or discussions.
We will feel socially inclined, get together with our friends and enjoy the pre holiday mood.
It is a good time to write our Christmas correspondence and send our packages off to far away loved ones.
The time of Thanksgiving and Christmas is centered around family.
And even if we cannot choose our family, we can make sure to take care for unfinished business and reach out with forgiveness if needed.
Forgiveness is never for the other person it is always for ourselves to find a harmonious inner place with others.
It doesn't mean we necessarily like the other person but we can still love them on a deeper inner level.
This Full Moon in Gemini will give us the neutral perspective and analytical measures of our inner emotional dynamics.
If used properly Lunar can help us to find the right words and higher perspective to truly make it a season of peace and harmony.
Venus in Sagittarius When Venus has joined the Sun and Mercury already residing in Sagittarius we will feel an inner expansion and exhilaration.
Venus the Goddess of love, harmony and beauty feels very gregarious and loves to share herself.
But with three planets in this sign there is a tendency to also be very righteous about our personal perspective of life and might push us into preaching our truth a little too forceful and turning into a missionary.
The balance between Venus in Sagittarius and Full Moon in Gemini is in the balance of the broader spectrum of choices and a multitude of inspiring ideas of the Gemini spirit with the bigger overview and more meaningful perspective of Sagittarius.
Get ready for a delightful week with lots of fun, impressions and social interactions.
Uranus in Pisces Turns Direct When the Uranus turn direct we will feel his impact more acutely.
The innovative and rebellious spirit of Uranus will step more into the foreground and prepares us for the last conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius.
Uranus is sowing and sprouting the seeds for big collective changes through revolution, innovation and inventions.
Uranus is the role model and rebel who is carrying the new paradigm and steps non-hesitantly into the unknown future based on his inner vision and guidance.
Venus Sextile Saturn Our joy can flourish within self set boundaries.
Common sense prevails.
Spending does not need to go overboard on Christmas shopping sprees, because we already have set our intentions on what is truly important and in the true spirit of Christmas for us earlier on in the week.
We can feel closeness and intimacy with our friends and family without impingement.
Mercury Shifts into Capricorn The Mercury in Capricorn will be carefully planning for the coming holidays and establish the budget and needs.
Capricorn is an excellent planner and organizer and will help us to keep on top of the many demands on our time and resources this month.
On Monday there will be a conjunction with Pluto which can take us into more obsessive thinking and tends to dig up hidden layers in relationships.
We might fight about something with our spouse or get anxious and overwhelmed.
Pluto always brings intensity and cleans out the pathways for a closer and more intimate relating later.
I always think about Pluto as deep cleaning in areas which have gone stagnant and stale.
Renewal and rejuvenation comes out of it.
Aloha and many blessings, Shakti.
Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author
And it is! The year is nearing towards its end; Christmas is almost there and we have to decide how we want to spend that time.
Christmas is always the best with children and I remember fondly my childhood Christmases with my family.
They would be the baking of cookies and the preparation of handcrafted gifts for my parents.
I remember evenings with candle light and Christmas music.
Maybe we do not need to spend big money to make it a memorable time and we can get creative in how to create something special for our family.
With the economical challenges we are facing there is definitely an incentive given for creating new rituals and ways to celebrate without spending a fortune.
This article is centered on the feminine with the Full Moon opposing Sun in Sagittarius joined by a wide opposition of Venus.
It has been originally written as a weekly forecast for the beginning of December but I believe you will also find value in this discussion if you just want to find out more about the planets in their respective signs.
Full Moon in Gemini The Moon is representing the principles of life and life sustaining nourishment, the archetypal mother and child.
The Moon is how we feel and perceive life.
It is our emotional filter and inner ground we stand on.
The Moon in our personal charts is indicating what we need to feel safe and comfortable and gives insights into our family dynamics in our family of origin.
The Full Moon is at her fullest power and extension and is accompanied by a high level of awareness with the opposing Sun giving the fullest light of consciousness.
Full Moons keep my cats out all night on important cat business and might gift me with more restless nights.
Statistically there is a higher rate of drunk driving and brawls in the bars which doesn't seem to be in alignment with a higher consciousness.
But maybe we use those measures to insure we don't feel or see too much about ourselves.
Not everybody values more clarity and exposure of unconscious inner material to surface and we all have a personal way to navigate the currents of life.
Full Moon in Gemini has a high flexibility and is more mentally colored then in other signs.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury and is an air sign.
We feel curious, adventurous and like mental inspiration, exchange of new ideas or discussions.
We will feel socially inclined, get together with our friends and enjoy the pre holiday mood.
It is a good time to write our Christmas correspondence and send our packages off to far away loved ones.
The time of Thanksgiving and Christmas is centered around family.
And even if we cannot choose our family, we can make sure to take care for unfinished business and reach out with forgiveness if needed.
Forgiveness is never for the other person it is always for ourselves to find a harmonious inner place with others.
It doesn't mean we necessarily like the other person but we can still love them on a deeper inner level.
This Full Moon in Gemini will give us the neutral perspective and analytical measures of our inner emotional dynamics.
If used properly Lunar can help us to find the right words and higher perspective to truly make it a season of peace and harmony.
Venus in Sagittarius When Venus has joined the Sun and Mercury already residing in Sagittarius we will feel an inner expansion and exhilaration.
Venus the Goddess of love, harmony and beauty feels very gregarious and loves to share herself.
But with three planets in this sign there is a tendency to also be very righteous about our personal perspective of life and might push us into preaching our truth a little too forceful and turning into a missionary.
The balance between Venus in Sagittarius and Full Moon in Gemini is in the balance of the broader spectrum of choices and a multitude of inspiring ideas of the Gemini spirit with the bigger overview and more meaningful perspective of Sagittarius.
Get ready for a delightful week with lots of fun, impressions and social interactions.
Uranus in Pisces Turns Direct When the Uranus turn direct we will feel his impact more acutely.
The innovative and rebellious spirit of Uranus will step more into the foreground and prepares us for the last conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius.
Uranus is sowing and sprouting the seeds for big collective changes through revolution, innovation and inventions.
Uranus is the role model and rebel who is carrying the new paradigm and steps non-hesitantly into the unknown future based on his inner vision and guidance.
Venus Sextile Saturn Our joy can flourish within self set boundaries.
Common sense prevails.
Spending does not need to go overboard on Christmas shopping sprees, because we already have set our intentions on what is truly important and in the true spirit of Christmas for us earlier on in the week.
We can feel closeness and intimacy with our friends and family without impingement.
Mercury Shifts into Capricorn The Mercury in Capricorn will be carefully planning for the coming holidays and establish the budget and needs.
Capricorn is an excellent planner and organizer and will help us to keep on top of the many demands on our time and resources this month.
On Monday there will be a conjunction with Pluto which can take us into more obsessive thinking and tends to dig up hidden layers in relationships.
We might fight about something with our spouse or get anxious and overwhelmed.
Pluto always brings intensity and cleans out the pathways for a closer and more intimate relating later.
I always think about Pluto as deep cleaning in areas which have gone stagnant and stale.
Renewal and rejuvenation comes out of it.
Aloha and many blessings, Shakti.
Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author