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118800 Questions And Answers

What is 118 800?

118 800 is a UK directory enquiry service with mobile numbers which can also be accessed online at It is the first and only directory enquiry service with the ability to connect individuals to millions of mobile phone numbers.

At all times during the 118 800 experience, privacy is paramount. In its essence a connection service, 118 800 will connect you to the mobile you want but will ensure that at no point are mobile numbers themselves disclosed, ensuring their protection against misuse by third parties. (See PRIVACY section for more in-depth information)

In a first for the industry, anyone in the UK will now be able to connect directly to the people they want when they want to - by accessing 118 800 either by phone or online at and connecting via the service's simple and easy to use interface. (See SERVICE section and CHARGES)

The launch of the service is set to come as major news to people in the UK who need a directory enquiry service with mobile numbers which caters for modern, mobile lifestyles and grants the ability to get hold of people now' whilst respecting their privacy.

How does 118 800 work?

118 800's offering will exist as both a phone DQ service and online via

When you call the service you will be greeted by a 118 800 operator and asked to give the name and location of the mobile phone user you are searching for. The 118 800 operator will then search a database of millions of UK mobile phone numbers. Once the correct number has been located the 118 800 operator will call the recipient. The recipient can then choose to accept or decline the 118 800 call. In the event that the recipient doesn't answer his or her phone, you can choose to have 118 800 leave a voicemail or send an SMS with your contact details.

When you use, once you have found the correct mobile phone user an SMS is sent to the recipient giving contact details to allow them to make contact.

If you don't give out numbers, how does 118 800 put me in touch with the person I want to contact?
When you search on, we'll send an SMS message to the person you're wanting to contact giving them your contact details so they can then contact you directly.

When you call us on 118 800, we'll try to connect you to the person you're looking for. If we can't connect you, you can choose to have us leave a voicemail or send an SMS message with your contact details.

Why can't I have the number, rather than being put in touch?
Some people don't like the idea of their mobile number being given out to anyone who asks. So having worked closely with the regulatory authorities to provide a service that protects this right but also provides a successful directory service, we have developed simple ways of connecting you without ever giving out a mobile number.

How do I find the person I'm looking for on
Because we have millions of mobile phone numbers in our directory, there will often be more than one person with the same name in a given town. So the more information you provide, the faster we'll be able to find the right person for you. It's important for you and for the other person - that we do not put you in touch with the wrong person. So we'd rather not provide a connection at all than guess which one is right. This means you may have to complete all the information fields in order for us to be sure.

What should I know about registering on
When someone uses to find a contact, we need to know that they are in possession of the mobile phone whose number they give, so that the mobile phone company can levy the 1 charge to the right person. So we send a 5 digit code by SMS message to their mobile phone for input back into the website.

To avoid having to go through this process more than once, you can register by providing your mobile phone number and a password that you use on subsequent occasions. We only use this information for registration purposes. We do not enter you into our directory unless you specifically request that we do.

Can 118 800 help find mobile numbers outside of the UK?
At the moment, no. Our service is available for UK mobile numbers only. Although we are hoping to extend our service in future.

Do you have everyone's mobile phone number?
No. But we do have many millions. So there is a good chance we can find the person you're looking for.

How did you get the mobile numbers?
Our mobile phone directory is generated from various sources. Generally it comes from companies who collect mobile telephone numbers from customers in the course of doing business and have been given permission by the customers to share those numbers.

How do you keep the directory up-to-date?
We are constantly adding data to our directory to update existing information and add new contacts.

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