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Love At First Sight

Looking for a dramatic change in the look of your entryway? It all starts with making a good impression with the approach to your house. That's why most people spend a lot more time worrying about the upkeep and maintenance of the front of their property rather than the hidden backyard.

Unless you entertain constantly in the back yard, nobody usually goes back there except for members of the family. There are a few things that you always hear, like have a door that stands out, which is okay, but you don't want something that stands out so much it looks weird. Sometimes, passing through neighborhoods, you will see a house with a brightly painted door and it just looks weird. It stands out too much and makes it look out of place. You want to pick a nice complementary color or a nice wood door.

Nothing looks better than a natural, high quality wood door. But if you need to paint it, just don't go overboard. Pick a complementary color, but nothing too out of the ordinary. You want it to look nice and inviting, not like you are entering the big tent at the circus. Another good way to make the front of your house look welcoming and inviting is to have nice lighting. You want the walk up to be bright and easy to navigate.

Lights on either side of the door are nice and there are many different styles to choose from. Lights that line the walk way are a nice touch. They are usually set on a timer or if you don't want to hassle with the wiring, you can use solar powered versions. These are a great way to be a little more energy efficient. They don't light up quite as bright and powerfully, but they don't cost anything to run after the initial purchase and the newer versions light up better than the older ones.

Another great way to accent the front of your home is with spot lights. Spot lights can be used to accent the front of the house or a particular tree or shrub that you want to highlight. It is a good way to give the front of your home some personality. You can use different colors or have a rotating fiber optic set up that makes a random change every few minutes. There are many different ways to dress up the front of your home and lighting is a great way to do it.

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