Pets & Animal Pets Cats

How to Tell the Gender of a Feline

    • 1). Identify the cat's color. Calico or tortoiseshell cats and kittens are almost always female. Orange cats are usually male, although the prevalence is not as strong as with calico and tortoiseshell coloring as it relates to female cats.

    • 2). Lift your cat's tail and look at its anus and sex organs. In male cats older than 10 weeks old, testicles are clearly visible.

    • 3). Notice the shape of the feline's sex organ. In male felines younger than 10 weeks old, the penis is not visible but looks like a small hole below the anus. In female felines of all ages, the vulva resembles a vertical slit below the anus. The vulva in female felines of all ages is relatively close to the anus, while the penis of a male feline is farther from the anus.

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