Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Beautiful Pale Skin For Keeps

Is being born with beautiful pale skin a blessing or a curse? It is the hardest thing to hold on to, that's for sure.
Everything conspires to ruin it.
You may think looking like Snow White is enviable, but you will soon find out how difficult keeping that look can be.
Having dark skin can be easier by far.
If people could choose the skin color they're born with, dark skin would be muck easier to maintain.
Beautiful pale skin cannot be in the sun without protection.
If you don't protect yourself, even as a child, you will begin to age and develop brown spots before your friends who have darker skin.
Olive to dark skin can enjoy the outdoors for years and years without aging.
Light skinned people need to carry a parasol wherever they go.
They have to seek shade and avoid the sun at all costs.
They cannot frolick in the ocean unless it's early morning or late afternoon.
They don't make good boaters because of the sun.
They cannot be runners and they cannot march in parades.
In other words, they cannot be "outdoor" people.
Pale people need to stay out of the sun after 10::30 a.
And they cannot go out until after 4 p.
Even then they should wear sun protection.
So many sunblock products contain chemicals that irritate the skin and, especially, the eyes.
Fortunately there are new products available that take staying healthy into consideration.
You need to find a company that knows how bad chemicals are for us and is creating cosmetics without them.
After all, by now there is proof that chemicals in cosmetics are causing serious illness as they build up in our systems over the years.
Once you find a cosmetics company with a conscience you will be able to keep your beautiful pale skin blemish free for years go come.
One of the best chemical free lines of cosmetics has found a way to reduce antioxidants to a microscopic size that actually can penetrate and feed your skin.
Until recently this wasn't possible and the antioxidants just lay on top of your skin, not doing much good at all.
But this new infinitesimal antioxidant that has so many benefits makes your skin sun proof.
You still should avoid the sun during the hottest part of the day, but you will be safe during the cooler hours.
Another product available now from a maker of chemical free cosmetics is a special whitening cream.
Anyone who wants to keep their beautiful pale skin flawless should use such a whitening cream.
To be certain you are using the best product available make sure there is no bleach in it.
Look for one with extrapone nutgrass instead, as it has a special way of managing the melanin your body makes.
It keeps your skin all one color even when you're way beyond childhood.
And, if you've been unlucky enough to have discoloration from the sun, it will fade it away until it's gone.
All this while nourishing your skin too.
To review: yes, it is now possible to keep the beautiful pale skin of your youth, but it's like having a job.
You have to be vigilant or you will lose it.
You should keep your skin very clean with a cleansing mask every other week.
You should also use a hydrating mask every other week.
You should use a day cream, a night cream and the whitening cream with extrapone nutgrass.
It sounds like a lot of work and money, but really it isn't.
You certainly don't need to use the most expensive creams, which usually aren't the best ones anyway.
As far as work, it only takes moments to apply.
Just be gentle when handling your skin.
Pat creams on as gently as if you were handling a newborn baby.
People with beautiful pale skin need to make sure of getting enough sleep and eating right.
Darker people may be able to get away with a little more as far as not sleeping enough, cheating on a healthy diet or even having a drink now and then, but they, too, eventually pay the price.
It's called premature aging.
No one wants that.
The bottom line is, if you've got delicate white skin don't curse it.
Just take extra special care of it and it will serve you well, staying wrinkle and spot free.

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