Cheap Light Bulbs - Appreciating light
Imagine its summertime is drawing to a close, with its long sunny days. The sun breaking through in the early morning and reluctant to fade away as the day ends. Those are great days when time seems to stand still and everyone has a big smile on their face, the effect of a bit of light is plain to see, it's a catalyst for fun and we all love to be out and about, whether its snoozing in the park on a lazy Sunday or, drinks after work till last orders al fresco.
So July fades into August and then before we know it summer is over and we are on a one way head on collision with winter via a brief stop over in autumn. The leaves that once adorned the trees and broke the light from its fall have gone to ground and the twisted arms of the tress simply hang lifeless in the breeze. The clouds are plentiful now, with grey and dark grey being the favoured colour; cold winds drive the rain against the walls of our homes and fill the air with a heavy sense of foreboding for the coming months.
But the worst thing is the slow decline of the sun and our friend daylight; they sneak slowly away until we are forced to alter our clocks just so we can save a little here and there. Now is the dawn of the age of the radiator, the electric fire, the woollen socks and most importantly the cheap light bulb. You can barely remember using lights in the summer, there was just no need, and if anything you needed darker curtains! But the light has gone away, so it's time to flick, twist, pull and turn on those lights and fill your home with the warming illumination it has been craving. This can't be achieved without cheap light bulbs. Below the sink, in the cupboard above the beds, under the stairs are all places that one can store a cheap light bulb or two or three or more.
Often needed but little thought of, cheap light bulbs are the lighting solution for the cash rich, time poor folk of this day and age, working on the philosophy that if you buy enough cheap light bulbs then you'll never run out of cheap light bulbs, as you will invariable pass by some in the future and grab a few more cheap light bulbs, just in case. This "nuclear bunker" type of thinking keeps sales of cheap light bulbs on the up. Especially in the cold dark winter months of which, especially in this country, lets face it, we seem to have a lot of!
So, have a think next time your wishing the summer would stay forever, the only thing worse than loosing those summer days is being in the dark for the whole winter. Just go online or pick up some cheap light bulbs and save yourself the candle hunt by mobile phone light!
So July fades into August and then before we know it summer is over and we are on a one way head on collision with winter via a brief stop over in autumn. The leaves that once adorned the trees and broke the light from its fall have gone to ground and the twisted arms of the tress simply hang lifeless in the breeze. The clouds are plentiful now, with grey and dark grey being the favoured colour; cold winds drive the rain against the walls of our homes and fill the air with a heavy sense of foreboding for the coming months.
But the worst thing is the slow decline of the sun and our friend daylight; they sneak slowly away until we are forced to alter our clocks just so we can save a little here and there. Now is the dawn of the age of the radiator, the electric fire, the woollen socks and most importantly the cheap light bulb. You can barely remember using lights in the summer, there was just no need, and if anything you needed darker curtains! But the light has gone away, so it's time to flick, twist, pull and turn on those lights and fill your home with the warming illumination it has been craving. This can't be achieved without cheap light bulbs. Below the sink, in the cupboard above the beds, under the stairs are all places that one can store a cheap light bulb or two or three or more.
Often needed but little thought of, cheap light bulbs are the lighting solution for the cash rich, time poor folk of this day and age, working on the philosophy that if you buy enough cheap light bulbs then you'll never run out of cheap light bulbs, as you will invariable pass by some in the future and grab a few more cheap light bulbs, just in case. This "nuclear bunker" type of thinking keeps sales of cheap light bulbs on the up. Especially in the cold dark winter months of which, especially in this country, lets face it, we seem to have a lot of!
So, have a think next time your wishing the summer would stay forever, the only thing worse than loosing those summer days is being in the dark for the whole winter. Just go online or pick up some cheap light bulbs and save yourself the candle hunt by mobile phone light!