Health & Medical Parenting

How Thankful to Your Parents Are You?

Have you ever sat down to think about how many people truly contribute to your life? Many people directly and indirectly influence you on a daily basis, even when you are not aware of it.
Throughout your entire life, many people usually acquire small bricks, one at a time, which shape and form them into who they are today.
If you have ever heard someone claim they are self-made millionaire, chances are they are not giving credit where it is due or they have a considerable ego problem.
Many people that end up with a legal problem or a big head usually do not end up reaching their full potential.
There is no such thing as a self-made man, no matter who in the history of the world it has been.
To truly start to knowledge how many people in your life have helped you along the way, you should start with a sheet of paper and a pen.
Starts writing down how many people have truly helped influence you in your life and exactly what they did to contribute to your life.
This list should include all of the good and bad things that have been done.
You will truly be amazed at how many people you start to remember that have helped you along the way once you start writing.
Your parents should probably be the first on your list, as they are the majority people who have helped raise you an influence your life.
From minute one when your mother starts to hold you, research has shown that an impeccable Bond is born and immediately affects the emotional and physical health of the baby.
Children of loving parents surely have a psychological and physiological advantage over those who don't have loving and caring parents.
The first two or three years of a child's life is truly when their unconscious mind is formed.
All of the words, voice tones, loving gestures, loads, neglect, or even abuse will stick with that child for the rest of their lives.
If you are happy and successful today, chances are you should give much credit that is due to your mother and father who help raise you that way.

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