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Unequal Recession

The recession is affecting American citizens in different ways.
To some its a serious depression and to others its a minor irritation affecting their spending habits.
It all depends whether you are employed (or unemployed) in the productive workforce, or if you are employed providing government services.
If you work for the government the recession is not a serious threat because government is increasing its workforce.
If you work at a productive job that supports government workers, or are laid off from that job, the outlook is much different; even the employed workers fear they might lose their job.
The effect of the recession is more equal in another area.
American citizens have lost wealth in their home equity and savings for retirement across the total workforce.
One might argue whether that was a true loss or inflated asset value due to the Ponzi scheme perpetrated by Congress and Wall Street.
If our markets were self regulating, where productive jobs would be able to support necessary services, our economy would be properly balanced and the recession would be felt more evenly by American citizens.
On the other hand, if that were the case we would not have a recession.
When an economy is out of balance and production will not create enough wealth to pay for services there are only two ways to correct it.
1) Cut services.
2) Raise taxes on those who produce.
The USA has used the second option for many years and reversed the first option, to increase, rather than cut government services; bankruptcy for our nation is the result.
Local, State and federal government services comprise 45% of our GDP (Gross Domestic Product) add in the services in the private sector, which are required by mandated government programs, and we are way over 50%.
How have the citizens of the USA, that was once the most industrious nation in the world, allowed that to happen? It has happened because liberal progressives have pursued an agenda of government control for over 100 years, and was able to gain more control and momentum 30 years ago; they appear to have complete control as I write.
The progressive agenda, though probably not intended, has killed the goose that laid the golden egg.
The incessant pressure put on the productive segment of our society to support the ever growing unproductive segment has resulted in killing wealth creation in America.
We are forced to borrow from China that has learned from the model of enterprise and capitalism fashioned by the US in past prosperous times.
Progressives could not have accomplished that without utilizing the human greed factor.
Progressive programs have created victims, and convinced them that they were entitled to more than just opportunity from government.
Couple that with the imbalance in government employment and it constitutes a vast majority of the electorate.
The recession is a direct result of progressive policies and is adding even more pressure on the productive segment that continues to weaken.
Basic economics says you cannot spend your way out of debt, and with less and less wealth being created to spend, can our economy recover? It may temporarily; if it does, it will be a false economy created by excessive government spending, just another pyramid scheme that will tumble down on our grandchildren.
At least they might be able to understand the hazards of government regulation of our economy! The unequal pressure brought to bear on American citizens by this depression may insure that the proper fix for the economy, a self regulating economy with no government intervention, will not even be attempted.
In order to create change you need at least 51% of the electorate and the progressives are definitely in control.
That does not mean we cannot start back on the road to prosperity, but it surely presents a challenge.
The education process needed to undue the slanted progressive teachings that have occurred over the last eighty years cannot be accomplished overnight.
Not to mention the engineers and scientists that must be created to return to a productive society.
It does not require eighty years to become productive again, but it does require that we start in that direction, and soon.
We start by eliminating or simplifying the income tax law to allow starvation of government, which would create incentive for new American businesses to bring capital back to the USA.

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