How to Check If a Company Is Legal
- 1). Check with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). They are a trusted source for consumer protection. BBB has a database of companies throughout the United States and other countries. Each company is rated based on complaints received by the bureau. You can view business listings and ratings online or inquire over the phone by calling your local BBB.
- 2). Contact your state's corporation commission or licensing department. Almost every state has a corporation commission, where a company or non-profit organization must file their incorporation documents. Many states have searchable databases online, where you can type the business name and receive back all the incorporation details, including when they originally filed and if they have amended their paperwork. Most states release the owners or board members' names to the general public.
- 3). Call the city clerk where the business is operating. Ask the clerk which department handles business licenses and ask if she can transfer you. A simple query with this department will result in whether the company has a legal business license to operate in the city or not. Feel free to ask the department clerk any other questions about the company and their length of operations.